Posts by Peter Cox

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  • Hard News: Make you crazy like datura,

    It depends whether you consider them handouts or a more targeted form of tax relief. Not having children it doesn't help me much, but I can't say I'm against the concept.

    Although to some extent it's a matter of semiotics, people's interpretation would depend, I guess, a lot on implimentation - is it a case of having to turn up to WINZ and fill in forms, and consequently feel like you're being interrogated and made to feel grateful to the govt for something you're completetly entitled to? Or is it just pop up as part of your tax filing, except you have to throw in a couple of birth certificates? (honest question, I wouldn't have a clue)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Make you crazy like datura,

    It's kinda fashionable to blame property speculators for the housing increases, because they - well - generally parasitic. However, I believe - and perhaps I'm wrong - that it's generally accepted amongst those who have looked long and hard at the causes for the current housing market - banks and other analysts - that the issues are more a housing supply problem, and the role of speculators has been marginal.

    Now, if that is indeed the case, the problem with making property speculation less desirable, is that we need private enterprise to actually build houses, and cutting too hard into their risk/benefit balance may cause more harm than good to house prices.

    I have noticed that on the Herald myviews site there was a lot of talk about capital gains tax, and I wonder whether that's where their interest is coming from. If it is the case, I can't help but wonder if rather too much of the Herald Editorial's understanding of public opinion - in this, and other areas - comes about from reading the talkback radio level discussion of those with often rather more emotion invested in their opinion than understanding of facts/complexity.

    Certainly, it would explain a lot...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Tidbits ahoy,

    I was under the impression that a boot camp was simply a camp run by the army? Key says, quite specifically, that the camps would be run by the army, so... I don't understand why anyone could say this is a misrepresentation by the media. Unless I'm missing something?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Tidbits ahoy,

    I don't know if I'd call it a divisive hate campaign so much as a bit of unimaginative button pressing. Mainly it offends for its lack of creativity and imagination. I mean, sure - all political announcements are looking for a populist angle, but they ought to at least have the illusion of actually realistically addressing the problem rather than JUST being a knee-jerk reaction.

    I mean 3 month Camps for Youth? Run by the army? Seriously? And while Craig may find Boot Camps to be a bit rhetorical - reading John's speech it sure sounds like he's describing boot camps to me.

    And while Craig gives it a 7/10 - and I'm sure he'll grace us all with his thoughts in due time, I can't say I agree. First quarter is a run down of various economic issues, interest rates etc. Serious issues, no doubt about it. Then gives a number of bullet points which basically say: 'we are going to fix all those problems and make New Zealand teh awesome'. Not one single skerich of detail about how.

    Oh no - there was one: 'a regular programme of ongoing tax cuts'. In case anyone needs that translated, it means: 'announce some tax cuts for middle earners at election year, while in the quiet times/decent polls making steadily increasing tax cuts for higher wage earners and hope the media don't make too much of it'.

    And then the next two thirds are about youth offending. Creating army run bases for potentially problematic youth? Seriously? THAT'S the big answer.

    It wasn't just nonsensical for a state of the nation speech but I would find that a bit spurious even for a drunken conversation at a pub.

    PS I actually quite liked the voucher thing, but only if it's done well. Sending youth to no hoper training sessions for tedious no hoper jobs is not going to discourage them from a life of crime.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 312 posts Report

  • Word of the Year 2007,

    +1 for Te Qaeda

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Out of the Groove,

    its because musicians now think "potential of rent cheque" when they sit down to write a song, as opposed to the hey day of kiwi music where they thought, 'not a hope in hell' just write what I feel.

    Any half decent artist should be able to deal with that issue.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 312 posts Report

  • My Story,

    Yeah, I kinda assumed the original poster was talking about the series.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Art and the Big Guy,

    Oh dear! Sorry Steven, I just realised I did you a terrible dis-service - my post a couple pages back concerning artistic innovation should actually have been directed at Tom Semmens, not you.

    So apologies!!

    I was wondering why the guy who wrote some of the ridiculous things he was putting out had suddenly come over all thoughtful and reasonable!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Art and the Big Guy,

    Hmm... lol, yep, I'm getting it too.

    Artistic innovation

    It's all about communication.

    Was that a real post or were you just trying out your quotation ability? :D

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Art and the Big Guy,

    from recollection the charge towards this embarrassment was lead by Paul 'I don't know art but i know what i like' Holmes. such a paragon of taste.

    You might be right. The most irritating thing about the whole situation were the outright lies being told about the cost of the exhibition, where the money was coming from, and what was even in it. Of course, all they really wanted to do was stir up a bit of controversy and take on the 'common man' role, sticking it to the so-called elitists. What heroes.

    And then surprisingly, the reports of the exhibitions final success were somewhat more muted...

    Unfortunately, now we miss out on the sense of pride we ought to have about doing so well over there. Oh well.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 312 posts Report

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