Posts by Joe Wylie

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  • Capture: Capture One, in reply to JacksonP,


    A bit rough for the nephews to make do with sharing a bath, while Unca Donald got this wonderful chopper all to himself. Be still my beating . . . head.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Next Labour Leader, in reply to Islander,

    other people commented on the fact that CHCHCH people *with* qualifications in valuing or experience in construction were refused jobs with the EQC assessment dept..

    There's been rather a lot of it about.
    Whether it's exploiting a natural disaster, or plundering what's left of public assets under the guise of providing 'more choice', it's more of the standard feeding frenzy that's accompanied past 'privatisations'. Nothing much to get bothered over, it's all the go with our major trading partners who'll be the likeliest source of the second pensions for those who decide these things.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Next Labour Leader, in reply to Isaac Freeman,

    I dunno. EQC had to hire a lot of people very fast, and it's hardly unusual for people to get entry-level positions in their parents' organisations. Unless there's positive evidence of favouritism, there doesn't seem much here to bother about.

    With a daily food allowance on top of the inflated hourly rate that's a bit over 60% of what a $15-an-hour labourer pulls in an 8 hour day? Nice entry level if you can get it.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Next Labour Leader, in reply to Isaac Freeman,

    I'd suggest they also employ a professional education consultant to come up with some vague and visionary new approach to education that the stuffy state schools are too old-fashioned and union-bound to understand. It should involve iPads.

    Seems to be the standard gold rush model. Doesn't matter how you did at school, you still get issued with an iPad when you board the EQC gravy train.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Next Labour Leader, in reply to Steve Withers,

    I can readily understand National Party people not liking list MPs. Their party is the least democratic of the three major parties where candidate selection and ranking are concerned.

    Perhaps someone could give a quick succinct for dummies-like-me explanation of how it's done these days. I do recall that they had a major shakeup in the post-Muldoon era, where head office was able to overrule local branches' right to nominate what someone described as "the f*ckwit of their choice".

    One of the triggers was the events surrounding the late unlamented Keith Allen, Winston's predecessor in Tauranga. Allen was rumoured to be terminally ill at the time, and Muldoon's reliance on a good ol' boy figure to give him the numbers in fending off the uppity Derek Quigley was seen by many as the pits of political cynicism.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Capture: Christchurch: Last One Standing, in reply to Kebabette,

    And Joe! That’s brilliant, it’s a beautiful family picture. If you want us to add more names to the metadata you can email us at

    Thanks Kebabette. I was naturally interested to know where the picture had come from, but all the Library was able to tell me was that it had been copied from an unknown private collection. They were most encouraging about my sending more info, plus a couple of related photos, so I promptly did so. And I never heard back, nothing.

    That was back in August 2010, about three weeks before the first seismic event. I just hope everyone’s OK.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Capture: Christchurch: Last One Standing, in reply to Kebabette,

    I'm the editor of the Christchurch City Libraries website

    Is that right? My great-grandparents are still up there as the poster family pic on the NZ Family History page. Before my Mum passed on last year I was able to identify who was who, including my granny at the left of the photo. Perhaps it'll get put up there one of these days.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Capture: Capture One, in reply to JacksonP,


    Huey, Dewey, and Louie?

    Happy ending! Here they are risen from the dead in Sunday's parade, in the very bath that featured in Ian's photo.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Hard News: Most Discursive Website, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    We’re a flinty lot in Christ cherts . . . Bloody Rabelais – looks like another Gargantuan feed of Pantagruel again…

    There are times when life in Chchch resembles the events on Rabelais’s Wild Island. Who will rid us of the troublesome Sausage?

    . . . he lugs out his trusty sword, Kiss-mine-arse (so he called it) with both his fists, and cut the Sausage in twain. Bless me, how fat the foul thief was! it puts me in mind of the huge bull of Berne, that was slain at Marignan when the drunken Swiss were so mauled there. Believe me, it had little less than four inches’ lard on its paunch.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

  • Capture: Colour is the new black, in reply to Geoff Lealand,


    More colour - the Chinese taniwha from yesterday's parade. Photo by Ms G.G.

    @Joe: White Niagra? I have had a good crop from mine for 4 years but the vine has gone into decline. Recommend tying small paper bags over each bunch, before they ripen, as the birds love them.

    That's the one Geoff. I planted it on the recommendation of someone local, who hasn't reported too much bird trouble. Perhaps the tweeties are more voracious up your way. If it does go into decline I guess I'll have to replace it with a sensible passion vine.

    flat earth • Since Jan 2007 • 4593 posts Report

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