Posts by Hebe

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  • Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally), in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Christchurch is the 21 century's social laboratory. Let's hope for the sake of we lab-rats that the experiments work.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally), in reply to Sacha,

    Co-location with school-based hubs has a lot to recommend it.

    Mental health services and school hubs so do not go together. Inappropriate is the least word I would use.

    I have children at a school that runs from nursery, kindergarten, primary and secondary on the same site and it works amazingly well. Provides continuity and a community -- I won't go into all the reasons it works here, but it does. Health services alongside too, but I can see clear reasons why some social services would not work as part of the mix.

    The locations of hubs would be an issue: will children have to travel further to school? Will the school sizes increase?

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally), in reply to Sacha,

    Why bother.


    What's the point?

    Whatever ;-)

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally), in reply to Russell Brown,

    Otoh, was there really not a developer willing to to cut a deal on establishing a "new Avonside"? It would have been the coolest subdivision in Christchurch.

    This may happen at some time, but creating a subdivision appears to take years not months and red-zoners do not have that amount of time to wait to decide on their options. For that to work, a subbie would have to have sections priced now, at least, so red-zoners know if they could afford to take that option.

    On the convention centre: the Council is calling for submissions on the City Plan and asking residents to state which option they believe to be best (someone linked to that a few pages of posts ago). Yesterday John Key told a tourism conference that Christchurch would increase the size of the new convention centre. At the same time Gerry Brownlee is telling the council to sell assets to fund rebuilding.

    Do you ever get the feeling we're being had? (thanks Johnny Rotten)

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: Two Tales of a City, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Sumner was always a close knit community....

    Parts of Sumner are, er, interwoven....

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: Two Tales of a City,

    Well done yous three - Jackson, Gudrun and Lilith. Those blanket pix look even better bigger -- they capture the hugeness of that rug.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally), in reply to Sacha,

    I must ask a planner.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: Cats Love Cameras, in reply to Gudrun Gisela,

    I spy with myamber eye...

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally), in reply to Sofie Bribiesca,

    Covenants are a plague on most subdivisions here, but people must like living in Stepford because people buy the land and houses. I think the answer lies with the city council approving subdivisions that impose restrictive covenants. Cera has such wide powers it could override covenants - if it wanted to.

    It would seem to an untutored eye that a single section among established houses would be possible to find but then you would have council consent hurdles to cross -- and knowing the CCC that wouldn't be easy. A good-sized section with no land problems at a reasonable price (land is way overpriced in Christchurch) is hard to find in an appealing area.

    What really gets me about the covenants is that they impose the very opposite of sustainability on their occupants: newish cars, no space for compost heaps or chickens, no trees that grow too big. Yet the submitters' consensus seems to be for a green rebuild of the central city.

    Choice is what is needed -- for those who like subdivision life and for those who do not.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Southerly: Liveblog: Moving House (Literally), in reply to Geoff Lealand,

    Windy. Chilling northeasterlies the most frequent, northwesters hot and drying in summer. Should grow a good garden over time.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

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