Posts by Simon Fraser

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  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    I agree you are polynising our minds...

    It seems if anyone criticises anyone Polynesian they get lambbasted in the public arena.

    It's okay for you to insult British descendants and accuse us of things our ancestors did, but look at it another way:

    Everyone is an invidivual. People vary a lot when it comes to education, how they raise their children, what types of jobs they have, etc. However, if a lot of a race are unemployed, or work but are lazy, or beat the hell out of their children, you say we can't criticise you for that?

    How un PC of someone to dare challenge another's culture.

    Your cultural imperialisation is working anyway, so have fun.

    You can get kids to say karakias in public schools that don't allow praying in English.

    You brainwash tertiary students into feeling shame for their ancestors' colonisation of the country, and tell them that Maori supremacy is the only option, or even separatism; the last course I did the lecturer said the Maori wanted their own separate parliament.

    With all the people that move to South Auckland and sit around on the dole, before they discover gangs and P, someone has to speak out.

    European immigrants don't do that.

    I know there are smart Polynesians, who work, who raise their kids well, etc. No one's saying you're all bad apples. Someone is, however, saying that a lot of you are.

    Since we can't challenge your culture and get away with it, I suggest you fix the problems yourselves. First of all you have to admit there are problems.

    Being a dole bludger surely is against your real culture anyway.

    Auckland • Since Jun 2008 • 22 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    Should we really lynch someone for pointing out the obvious - that some people emigrate to New Zealand and lean on the system, while having nothing to offer in return.

    Shouldn't we challenge that state of affairs?

    Shame on people for labelling someone a racist just for stating the facts.

    Auckland • Since Jun 2008 • 22 posts Report

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