Posts by Russell Brown
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Hopefully this Weather Underground link will work ...
It's a model of Gustav crossing Cuba, breezing by Florida and slamming into New Orleans. Hell's teeth.
She didn't give birth to any child in 2005, so the date can't be right.
Touche. I thought I'd let you check that. I actually thought the pic I linked to earlier made it clear enough that she was pregnant.
Sarah Palin Baby Story Ender
Although some of the commenters still won't let it go. (It's a pregnancy suit!).
Sigh.Ooh! Ooh! Pick me!
There are a number of things that argue against the conspiracy theory, but that photograph is not one of them.
Here it is in its original setting on Flickr.
Taken on March 19, 2005.
And meanwhile, Helen Clark, having had a just shut the fuck up moment this morning in baselessly supposing that the SFO had tipped off the National Party about Peters, gratefully accepts the chance to change the subject in making fun of Key's comparison of himself to Obama.
It amazes me that you are always making snide remarks and finger pointing at WhaleOil for such trashy reporting, but willingly undertake much the same behaviour when then target is a republican. What's up with that?
I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't believe the "grandmother" conspiracy theory, but I did read the news stories, and for someone whose pro-life credentials are being very actively pitched to the electorate on the basis of this pregnancy, she did some odd and risky things.
I have not had anything to say about her decision to continue a Down's pregnancy, but for the record, I think it's admirable. I know a young Down's guy and his mother and they're sweet. I also have two special-needs kids myself, and I'm on record as dreading the day that there's a screening test for autism.
On the other hand, I'm mindful that this person would not only judge someone who made a different choice, but seek to remove their right in law to make that choice.
So I'd be grateful if you didn't compare me to Whaleoil.
Fair enough, although how this is suddenly any of our business, I'll never know.
I know, I know. But she is being sold to the evangelical base as the pro-life super-mama on the basis of this pregnancy (as Jolisa said, it makes her the pro-life poster girl), while she seems to have actually done some oddly risky things.
All the haste in the selection of Palin suggests, to me at least, that she was last minute and I wonder how many others politely declined.
One popular theory is that McCain wanted Lieberman and Rove wanted Romney, and McCain chose Palin to piss Rove off ...
But that's idle speculation. What does seem undeniable is that she was vetted very lightly and very late.
It's interesting in the way these things can be interesting, although I'm shocked at the tone of the Kos article.
Palin's here in the ADN in February, looking a bit more pregnant than in the other pictures. The public comments underneath don't seem to speak so well to the wildly-popular-Governor image, although they seem to be from local Republicans if anything.
That's a relief (of sorts), the existence of a source I mean. Still, the doctor didn't seem to think it was unreasonable of her to fly home.
Read the story. She didn't clear it with her doctor.
I've read up a little on birth issues with Down's babies (yes, alright, I can't help myself). I'm a bit more shocked than I was. Nearly half of Down's babies have heart defects, and some require heart surgery immediately after birth.
Palin got on a long-distance flight, then drove away from competent hospitals to have her baby delivered by her hometown GP.
What's your source? I see no such info in the article linked to by the Kos diarist, in which Palin claims to have felt contractions before the speech and to have been told by her doctor over the phone to put her feet up.
The hours of leaking of amniotic fluid seems to have been plucked out of the diarist's ass to me.No, actually. That's what she told the Anchorage Daily News. Her waters broke and she had contractions before she gave her speech, and then she flew back to Alaska later in the day.
Her doctor told the paper it was fine, an obstetrician contacted by the reporter seems to have been a bit shocked by it. This was, after all, a premature special-needs baby.
Maybe she is, as Jolisa observed in another thread, just a total hardass. She was apparently back at her desk three days after the birth and took no maternity leave.
Flying when you're eight months pregnant is something an airline might not want you to do to cover their own asses, but it's not a risk per se
It was apparently a little more urgent than that. It does seem a tad reckless to board an eight-hour flight when your waters have broken and you're actually in labour.
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