Posts by Russell Brown
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Except the questions from the floor. It didn’t take long before we were listening to local burgher’s world views and wasting the precious hour with Fisk. Organisers of his other talks take note.
It's the kind of event where you have to be very careful about taking questions from the floor, because although there will be reasonable people with interesting and relevant questions, you are also more or less certain to get people who do not really want to ask questions at all, but to drone on about some peripheral issue.
How's Leo enjoying Spore?
He's storming through it: last seen designing a spaceship, which isn't bad considering that yesterday he was just a little protozoan.
Nice feature: he was playing yesterday and then saw a creature that he'd made with the Spore Creature Creator when it was released a while ago. The system uploads the creations of users and adds them to the mix for everyone. His was a pink dinosaur -- it still had hs creator credit on it. Ironically, it killed him.
Al from Scoop was round last night, and he pronounced it to be "the first single-player multiplayer game".
And Leo's still a bit shocked about getting an email from Andrew Wilmott, the lead developer on the game.
Andrew is -- ahem -- a Hard News reader of many years' standing ...
I completely get the Greens billboard. I think it speaks very clearly to what the Greens stand for.
Yeah, I got it immediately. I think it's an excellent campaign that fits the Greens' brand well.
National's campaign is poor and it's hard to see how it can improve. I fully expect that they'll have to do what Labour did with the baby ads and just move on and forget it ever happened.
artists and their labels nominate themselves for award recognition. That 'feels' weird man, just wrong. its someone elses job to say you're good, not yours.
That's a ridiculous statement. It's the way that all industry awards of any kind operate. And if it wasn't that way, I'm sure you'd complain about that too.
its not the members of rianz that vote, its the members of rianz that are eligible on for awards, exclusively unless you pay a fee.
Like Simon said, if you care enough about it, you'll either be a member of IMNZ or you'll come up with a $100 entrance fee.
My point was I'd love to see recognition go across the board
Here's an idea: how about you do it yourself?
We're good!
After reinstalling the download manager and then downloading the Spore installer all over again (at the cost of the second of three permitted activations -- grr), Leo is playing the damn thing as of five minutes ago.
What a relief.
Looking at the list it's pretty much all indies. The Dick Johnson album for example was, I'm pretty sure, non-RIANZ
Tiki's 100% indie too: Dirty Records via Rhythmethod.
And check out his website. When you mouseover the navigation it switches to Maori. That's cool.
@Rob: You'd think so.
The Tuis' lineup is the strongest it's been in many years IMO.
For sure. To take one example, I'm not personally a fan of Tiki Tane's music, but I have real respect for the integrity of what he and his management have done. It's nice to see that recognised.
Re: Spore.
After running a registry cleaner, updating drivers, etc, we decided we'd have to try a reinstall -- and use up one of our activations in the process.
So we found the SetUp app (not obvious) and uninstalled the game. Which uninstalled the SetUp app itself.
Leo had already deleted the EA Download Manager (apparently it conflicts with their own game) so we downloaded that again Only now that won't launch.
So Leo has found a nice fat torrent for a rip of the game that, by all accounts, is much more stable than EA's own install. How bloody tragic.
Oh, and any EA reps unhappy about us resorting to pirating a game we've already paid for can bite me.
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