Posts by Russell Brown
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No, I can't take credit. It is a meme that has quickly taken root amoung the right-o-sphere reviews of the NYT piece. It is seen as her being willing to make changes, by y'know actually making changes.
That's an amazingly disingenuous piece of work. Let's take this:
Then we get to the book banning. But if you read carefully there is no banning, no censorship, no list and no nothing other than someone became “scared” of Palin:
Pardon? Should that not read "Someone continued to be scared of Palin after being summarily sacked and only reinstated after a strong protest by residents. Oh and by the way, her boyfriend the police chief was sacked without cause, and she was threatened with a 'loyalty' dismissal again."?
The chilling thing is the possibility that the author, as a 21st century Republican, has, through the Bush White House, the US prosecutors scandal and any number of appointments and contracts in the Iraq project, simply become acclimatised to the idea of a culture of governance that values political loyalty over competence and integrity.
I found that link kinda disgusting, actually.
"She's a vindictive nutjob and a liar who has relentlessly pursued personal vendettas through official office"
While shes no angel, pretty inexperienced, and has a belief system that probably doesnt well sit with most of the readers here, that seems rather strong comment based on one newspaper article.
It's not one newspaper article -- albeit one based on deep archive searches and dozens of face-to-face interviews -- it's a quite well documented pattern of behaviour, from the moment she became mayor of Wasilla and foisted the creepy "loyalty tests" on half a dozen employees, right through the Jerry Springer action of "Troopergate", where she quite clearly abused the office of governor to pursue a family feud. She's a nightmare.
__The Men of Gold took the ball down to the All Blacks 22 with some excellent handling and committed charges but the move broke down when it seemed an All Blacks player had clearly charged in at the side of the ruck.__
That’s the ARU take on it anyway (the "men of gold" are the Wallabies by the way).
Say fucking what!?
I have a high-resolution visual memory of exactly what happened: in a final, triumphant act of strength and courage, several All Blacks drove over the ball with a ferocity that the Australians, desperate as they were, could not answer.
Then Piri Weepu booted the thing into the stand.
How could anyone see it another way?
And then we have those two stories in the NYT and WaPo about Palin. Dear, oh dear...spite, viciousness, cronyism.
As I say in today's post, anyone who could read those deeply-researched stories and still regard Palin as fit for presidential office is basically lying to themselves. She's an absolute horrorshow.
Paula Bennett of the Nats WAS there.
I which case it was a bit rude that no one namechecked her. Maybe they did and I missed it ...
Ruia Aperahama made a very good speech I though, not just about Maori music but about NZ in general - some thoughtful and inclusive comments from him and if more people had his attitude NZ might be a better place - embrace your cultural uniqueness but share it around with everyone else and vice versa.
Pretty common sense stuff there.Yeah, actually I should've mentioned him in the original post (I plead hangover). I have a lot of respect for that guy -- and he's perhaps the most thrilling speaker of te reo I've ever heard.
And the latest: Palin links the 9/11 attacks to Saddam.
Fact Check is getting increasingly tetchy with the McCain campaign.
First for misusing a FactCheck report -- pretending that it criticised the Obama campaign. Angus and Sage, you might want to read this one.
And now over a new ad alleging comments about Palin that were never made by the Obama camp, or in some cases, anyone. Read that one too. Those ads could only have been created by someone who knew they were lying and fully intended to do so.
Simon's right. There has been grossness and stupidity at both ends of the spectrum. But in terms of the actual campaigns, there's no doubt at all about who's lying and sliming the opposition. It starkly fails to match the fine promises that McCain made about the moral tenor of his campaign.
while UKian is an stupid web-head construct
It also sounds like a race in a sci-fi TV series.
But can I transfer an iTunes sourced MP3 from my IPod to my phone? No...
The iTunes tracks are AAC, which is the audio layer of MP4. It's a superior format in theory, but there are still compatibility issues.
But the iTunes app will batch-covert your tracks to MP3s in a jiffy. If, that is, they're iTunes Plus with the no-DRM.
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