Posts by Russell Brown
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Besides, Zogby (motto: 'making goose entrails seem reliable by comparison since 1988') should ring alarm bells among journalists worldwide.
Quite. I was briefly concerned, heard the name "Zogby" and carried on about my business.
Totally OT (but hey, whose blog is it?), TPMTV has a great roundup of the most recent McCain-Palin madness:
Oh, and Morning Report this morning said a poll had found the public divided on McCain's proposal to suspend the electoral campaign and cancel the first debate. But they forgot to say it was a Zogby poll. SUSA has now done two rounds on the issue and found twice that American voters think that's a stupid idea.
So has anyone actually read the article or seen it in context?
Well, duh. Of course.
Rodney is hardly someone I'd consider a homophobe.
No, he's just a cheap opportunist. That's the problem.
Mike, I wish everyone in Act was like you, but unfortunately that's far from the case.
Rodney's very welcome to drop by here and explain himself though.
There is the FWW Rhodes scholarship only for law students who are former pupils of Auckland Grammar $2200 pa
There has to be a joke in that ...
I get the impression that Mary Jane didnt didnt tell the Professor that it was a private scholarship and not one funded by the government.
Which was precisely the mistake so many windbags made back when Don Brash was trying to gin up outrage about tertiary scholarships for Maori -- the majority of which are actually provided by the Maori Education Trust, from its own asset base, and iwi.
But Rishworth damn well should have known enough to ask.
Hmmm, is that as bad as 'researchers' in the PM's dept spending a lot of time going thru Key's share dealings of the last 5+ years??
Sorry, but that's just nonsense. The issue relates directly to Key's declarations, his potential conflicts of interest and his actions in the House. Part of having a multi-party system is having the parties hold each other to account, on behalf of the public.
And apart from anything else, I doubt it took that much time to look up the records. They've simply been holding it to drop when the privileges committee report came back. You'd be on safer ground complaining about that.
Update: Phil Kitchin has been in touch, and he says he's heard the talk of a private investigator too -- but he's had nothing to do with one, and has been working on the story for about two years, since he was put onto it by Ralston at TVNZ. In that time he's spoken to at least 20 New Zealand First people and been as far afield as Australia. He says the Dom Post had to "rattle our dags" when Owen Glenn's donation become news, but the investigation was very much underway.
I should note that the person I talked to wasn't anything to do with the Dom Post either.
This line gets patted out frequently. How valid, though, is it really? Think of the foreign ministers we've had in the past: Goff, McKinnon, Moore, Marshall, Lange, Talboys. You have to go back to Warren Cooper to find a foreign minister who wasn't well respected.
Sure. But it does seem that Peters has been pretty effective in the Pacific, which is our sphere of influence.
To me it seems that Labour is throwing this election away by insanely supporting Winnie when it appears that he is corrupt. I cannot fathom why they are going to such lengths to support him.
Now I have totally run out of parties to vote for ...
I'm not about base my vote on anything to do with Winston Peters. I'm annoyed at the way Labour has handled it, but there are much more important things on which to base a voting decision than this.
Do you not think that the real reason Labour supports Winston is that Labour is scared Winston goes feral? Ian Wishart repeatedly asked Labour if Peter Davis got out of the US in a hurry on a diplomatic passport.
The allegation you're referring to is baseless and malicious. If you bring any more Wishart slime here I will ban you permanently.
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