Posts by Russell Brown
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Which they so richly deserve. It was great to see John Collie (not to be confused with John Kelcher ;) ) wearing a "Brockville Brotherhood" t-shirt (said location being the working-class Dunedin suburb he and Carter grew up in).
As immortalised in R.E.M.'s little-known Dunedin music tribute 'Don't Go Back to Brockville'.
Oh. Hang on ...
@Stephen Hill
1. The face is familiar but you can't put a name to it
2. The face is unfamiliar (looks like a stranger)
I get both. But I take your point that it might be influenced by the sheer number of things I'm processing a lot of the time.
My two aspie kids seem to have quite different memory configurations.
One has hopeless short-term memory but detailed long-term recall; the other is right in the moment but seems to lack for episodic memory -- it seems to have a big influence on how and what he learns.
On Wednesday night, before she went to the Music Awards, she was at the Auckland Kindergarten Association's centennial celebrations, and she was happy there too.
Maybe she'd had a heads-up on the new Roy Morgan poll.
Um, wow.
Here is exclusive fly-on-the-wall coverage of Tim Murphy writing this morning's editorial:
Brilliant! Citizen journalism is getting so good these days.
... too Statist ...
With what's going on in the banking sector, it seems that Statism is the new black.
Oh, and just for something completely different, a citizen journalist captures the bigotry and knuckle-dragging stupidity of punters at a Sarah Palin campaign rally:
So now I have many conversations like this:
Person: Hi, Robyn!
Me: Hi.Oh god, me too, even with people I should be able to greet by name. Although tend to go for "Hi!" rather than "Hi."
but i've always thought you to be somewhere on the spectrum there, mr. brown.
Really? Like every parent of ASD kids, I do think about it. But I have decidedly non-autistic traits too. "Neurodiverse" might be a better description.
Russell, that facial recognition things sounds interestingly autistic.
I do wonder ... but ...
although I imagine those on the spectrum would object to us all jumping on their bandwagon.
Then I think about that.
The New Yorkers editors have outlined a very strong case for why Obama is the better choice.
That's one hell of an endorsement. Shame the kind of people Palin is stoking up at her rallies don't read the New Yorker. Or possibly, just don't read.
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