Posts by andin

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  • Hard News: Rodney's Folly,

    To me the heart of the problem has been the tacit collusion over the last three-four decades between the political class and business elites to infantilise the population.

    I think a generation or three can do a very fine job of infantilising itself.
    Now to conduct a test..........
    Although it would be better conducted over on Field Theory.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rodney's Folly,

    The belief that life would be grand if local government activity was hacked back to little more than roads and sewers is an article of faith amongst neoliberals. It's a kind of magical thinking.

    I have thought for a few years that neoliberalism was something beyond ordinary human understanding.
    But is this all it is?
    Appoint an accountant to pay for the basic amenities, cut all social activities funded by council (17% of most budgets by all accounts)
    And then declare that 17% as profit.
    MAGIC aw right, but doesnt take much thinking.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Cracker: The Happy Hikoi,

    Radio Live, Newstalk ZB: minus infinity

    Newstalk ZB seems like a black hole of stupidity. But Radio Live just throws all manner of things at you, seems like there is no overarching editorial direction at all, which is good I think.
    Theres' the stupidoids, Michael Laws, Wille Jackson.
    The populists Marcus Lush, Tamihere.
    And the listen and council those late night callers,(90% of who sounds as if they are on meds) Hay & Fagen.
    And some weird fuckers I've never heard of who must have made as name for themselves somehow. ?Mark Stewart,Some Hooton dick, Crump, oh must be a descendant.

    My favorite has to be Graeme Hill tho.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    I personally wouldn't want to be in a situation where I had to exercise my concience in that way.

    What take your conscience for a walk but dont let it off the leash!
    Spine chilling...

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Beatniks,

    <quote>I think you're looking for causation when I'm not sure there is even correlation. <quote>

    It was the question mark wasnt it. I was wondering about sport as a metaphor, a microcosm, a niche ecology, if you will of the, of the human condition.
    But no, you are right, there's eff all rhyme or reason to it.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Beatniks,

    "liking sports is not a character flaw"

    Yeah but it's kinda surprising how many of those who like sport have flawed characters. Is there a reason?

    Present company excepted of course.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    There are a small group of people passionately opposed, and a small group passionately in favour, and like any issue, a huge mass in the middle who just don't give a crap one way or the other.

    If that is how the fabric of society is woven, it's not going to be very attractive or slimming. I'd be wondering who the designer was, 'cause whoever it was hasn't put their name on the garment.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Put on the full armour of God,

    "fast buck" by being persecuted himself as a member of the new unpopular movement.

    Yeah but he got to go travel and just exercise his jaw mainly. And who knows perhaps it was his dream to go to Rome as a mighty messenger, and stonings were like the everyday gauntlet in the messiah trade. Just like GW and the paparazzi eh!

    Julian Augustus from Julian

    "The search is the whole point to philosophy and the religious experience. It is part of the Galilean impiety to proclaim that the search ended three hundred years ago when a young rabbi was executed for treason. But according to Paul of Tarsus, Jesus was no ordinary rabbi or even messiah; he was the One God himself who rose from the dead in order to judge the world immediately. In fact, Jesus is quoted as having assured his followers that some of them would be alive when the day of judging arrived. But one by one the disciples died in the natural course and we are still waiting for that promised day. Meanwhile, the bishops amass property, persecute one another, and otherwise revel in this life..."

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Put on the full armour of God,

    @andin: Did you read the quote?

    You aren't quoting from a very reputable source, even if it has been translated for the linguistically challenged.
    And tales of Paul's encounter's with the early christian church leaders with Jesus' supposed brother James then the head of the infant organisation are said to be one sided, especially if taken from Paul's own letters.
    Most of the rest sounds like typical fare if you wanted to travel or had outstayed your welcome back in that era, shipwrecks, local hostility, sleeping rough, scratching for food.
    I do prefer Gore Vidals retelling of the Pauline era.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Put on the full armour of God,

    Fast buck?

    Or whatever that was in those days.
    A comfy bed, a roof over your head, a villa by the sea. Gore V ruminated that fine male flanks were a fast buck as well, perhaps some things never change.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

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