Posts by Richard Llewellyn

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  • Speaker: Bigger than us,

    I think the reason NZ have such a good national team is the amount of passion at the grassroots level.Same goes for soccer in Sth America, cricket in the West Indies and baseball in the US of A.

    I dunno ..... you are probably right, but I'm not 100% convinced. The high level of grass-roots passion in UK football (soccer) for example has not translated to international success for England.

    But I suspect you are right in that a strong grass-roots is a prerequisite, along with talent, hard work etc etc.

    Its true though that more than one ex AB has said (usually post-career) that above anything else the fear of losing is what most motivated them (which sounds a bit sad really - wheres the fun :)

    Also agree with Haydn, when you are used to winning all the time, losing sucks much much more.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Speaker: Bigger than us,

    I KNOW and this bugs the hell out of me

    Me too. On the other hand, I've heard plenty of far more knowledgeable people than I (e.g. ex-players) say that the fact that the NZ fan base are (generalisation) such bad losers is one of the major reasons why our national team is so good.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    Eeep. That does it. I am *definitely* staying in the kitchen for the match on Sunday. I will fry up everything I can lay my hands on until it's all over

    I'm with you, and reading Chris Rattue in todays Herald claiming that France 'pose absolutely no threat to the All Blacks' for some reason does not make me feel better.

    Yes, I am sure we have - on paper and on form - the best group of players, but why oh why do we have a group of sports journalists who seem to oscillate wildly (tm) between two modes; complete triumphalism ahead of the event (always good for motivating opposition), and bitter disproportionate recrimination after the fact.

    Rhetorical question I think.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Speaker: Bigger than us,

    Actually Andin, having lived for a couple of decades on each side of the tasman, I think you are right to suggest that there is a reflexive and unfounded antipathy from many kiwis towards aussies, much as there is a reflexive antipathy from many parts of NZ towards Auckland (and parts of Brizvegas towards Sydney).

    But, ANZAC spirit aside for the moment, I would suggest that if there is an easily identifiable national characteristic in this part of the world that over-invests parochialism and pride into sporting achievement (at the expense of say academic or scientific achievement), then you probably need look no further than your own collective bathroom mirror (and your sports tragic PM).

    Is it not Patrick White who spoke so well of the Great Australian Emptiness, and an obsession with sport dulling the national consciousness?

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Speaker: Players to Pray For,

    I am starting to wonder if I can even handle watching any of our big games live

    I know exactly what you mean.

    Sunday morning I'll be wearing my lucky undies, socks, and t-shirt, waving rabbits feet around, and thinking about taking the kids to yum cha instead of pacing up and down the living room listening to my heart palpitate.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Speaker: Players to Pray For,

    Oops, meant, if for example Schalk Burger got injured

    Hopefully we will never need to know if the irreplaceables can be replaced :)

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Speaker: Players to Pray For,

    Huge gap between Richie and Masoe RL.

    Oh don't get me wrong LB, I'm not trying to suggest otherwise, but I think the cartel have been at great pains to try and insulate themselves from players becoming irreplaceable, and even should the unthinkable happen, I'd like to think we can still win (and we certainly wouldn't be buying any excuses from Sth Afica if for example got injured) ......

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Speaker: Players to Pray For,

    And yes, I think the All Blacks will run right over France in Cardiff. It won't even be close

    By hokey I hope you are right - I have a tiny frisson of nervousness, related entirely to an underperforming France having their backs to the wall, and being away from the crushing expectation of home fans.

    From each AB I've heard speak over the last few days has come the message, 'its now one game at a time' - thats been reassuring.

    While I don't want to tempt fate, I think the 'key player' worry has become almost superfluous under the 3 wise men - if we lose a game at this tournament I doubt it will be because an individual player - even Richie - was missed.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

  • Speaker: Like something out of Braveheart,

    Oh, and the "for our captain" cry from Stephen Jones?. Pure genius.

    Mt Albert • Since Nov 2006 • 399 posts Report

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