Posts by Don Christie

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  • Hard News: Wii Too,

    I must admit, I am not at all attracted to PS or XBox or just about any other computer game on the planet. I do think Tyrone and his Sidhe ( guys are brilliant, it's just not me.

    But someone brought this wii thing into to work and it looks very good fun. Especially the game where one shoots Red Indian rabbits with toilet plungers or try skipping with a chain skipping rope.

    I could see me buying this, but then again, real swing ball still has its attractions. Is there a wii swing ball game?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: The New Boss,

    The browser stats are getting really interesting. Because we do all development on Linux machines testing on Windows/IE is a pretty critical function here. I spent a few weeks last month excusively using Windows and IE before the relaunch. It was the first time in ages and god, I missed all those little Firefox and Mozilla hacks that have become part of our internet experience.

    I agree with one comment about Apple made on Rod's site. They are trying to change the way people use things, or at leats better reflect how humans like to operate.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: The New Boss,

    WRT the iphone, what's the excitement about "eliminating a keyboard"? I have a touch sensitive Nokia 770 (which rocks BTW and comes without all the DRM and other software encumbrances) and I am always using the software keyboard with stylus. I could use my fingers but...the idea that you simply use your fingers for everything,especially on small screens, is nuts.

    How often do you did your fingers in a ink well to write your letters? The quill was invented for a reason.

    Mind you, I lack the fascination many share with Apple. I know I am not their target demographic. Way back in the 80s I used to blow the odd one up by plugging the external floppy drives into the motherboard incorrectly, but the fun went out of them shortly after those halcyon days. Rod Drury says Apple have "won". Won what, I ask?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Suicide Note,

    How bizarre. He doesn't address any of the most interesting points in the paper.

    I don't think Cridgley read the Gutman paper. He just addressed the headline. Cridgley's conclusions seem to match Peter's, only in a much more half arsed manner. Some rebuttal.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • TVNZ Ondemand: Windows Media Player only,

    Right. And I guess on Ubuntu I will have to break some law in some country to watch content I have paid for. Nice.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Getting the pip,

    I'm with dc_red on the Brash thing. How will the man ever have the incentive to be gainfully employed or earn his self respect if he keeps on bludging off the honest, hard working, kiwi battler? I blame Labour for allowing this type of PC, ex-MP benefit dependency to exist.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Inauspicious,

    Hager has made it known that he had a great deal of information that he couldn't publish because it would have identified his sources. I suspect National already knows whom at least one of their leakers were.

    National under Brash used the "stolen" meme a lot last year to divert attention from themselves. Everything has to be Labour's fault, whether it be Brash's "alleged" affairs, lost elections or lost emails. This is strange for a person that craves to impose "personal responsibility" onto our society. The current "stolen emails" idea seems to be a way to pull together and protect the new leadership.

    Like you, I just don't buy it any more.

    One thing that strikes me after a quick peruse, is just how juvenile some of Brash's key advisers seem to have been. Hooten, Sinclair, Richardson, Judd - behave like 1980's breathless, kiddie image consultants. There are so many "Eye of the Tiger" moments it is not funny. This is not a way to run a sustainable business, let alone a serious political organisation. No wonder Brash ended up in a similar spot to Arthur Anderson, morally bankrupt and out of business.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: Losing the billboard plot,

    David - given the environmental harm done by huge pine forest plantation (acidification, loss of native habitat, fertilizer use, erosion during harvesting) I think the owners have already had plenty recognition for their "benefit" from the rest of us.

    In terms of CO2 sinks I am not sure trees are a great answer. Reduction of reliance on fossil fuels goes to the true heart of the matter. Trees do have other worthwhile benefits, particularly where mono-culture is discouraged.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • New Herald site,

    Heh, just been working right through the night and popped over here for some R&R only to see Compie's comment above...grrrr

    What can I say, apologies for the inconvenience. We had hoped to launch last weekend but illness in the ranks set us back a few days.

    The Herald site looks great, good to see Kristine acknowledged and I only hope the Shift team are as knackered as we are.

    Compie, this one's for you mate:


    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Down in the Park?,

    I still know it's wrong to support race based dictatorships. That the racists happen to be brown themselves changes nothing.

    Ben, totally agree. The thing is, NZ and Australia have been supporting racist and pretty undemocratic governments in Fiji since 1989 and this last one was just about the worst.

    Funny thing about this coup is that it is aimed at redressing the balance somewhat. I think there has been a bit of a knee jerk reaction here without recognising our culpability in letting Fiji go to the dogs for the last couple of decades.

    As for the netball tournament, can anyone tell me whether Fiji has been banned by the international federation from playing? Their press release just talks about moving the tournament which seems a sensible logistical decision rather than demonstrating any superior integrity.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

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