Posts by Hebe

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  • OnPoint: MSD's Leaky Servers, in reply to John Holley,

    I know everyone is pretty much focusing on the privacy breach - and it is huge. But the more I think about this the more I agree with Matthew Poole (good piece on RNZ btw).
    The bigger story here is the biggest security breach in NZ Govt history. Quite frankly we should be assuming that any of the information that was accessible from the kiosk (and Keith only took a small fraction), is 100% compromised and quite possibly in the hands of a foreign interests. (the security hole has been there for months)
    The cascade effect from WINZ->MSD->the rest of Govt e.g. CERA, DIA etc., is something we need to highlight. It might all come to nothing but, as Matthew said, we have to assume the entire WINZ network (and networks with trust relationships) could have been/was compromised.
    The mind boggles on the potential level of exposure we face.

    Agree totally. The implications are enoromous and until the extent of the exposure is mapped in detail, we will not know. Chances are we will never know. I'm happy to hear Matthew has been elevated to expert!

    Leading on from that, I note that the govt's minimising tactics for the potential of this security failure are being given some creedence by the TV and newspapers' distaste that the story was broken by "a blogger" -- I can almost hear the sniffy nose-holding. Don't you guys on PA wash or something? Or is it the Lynx that makes them splutter? I hadn't clearly seen the MSM's distate of the internet media until this story.

    If I was the Herald management or the Stufferati (Sinead, are you reading?), I would be drawing up a hefty no strings, hands-off, complete editorial freedom, annual retainer to be allowed to link to Public Address from their news site. That would give the dinosaur media entree to the net for their ad base (while not advertising directly on PA); give PA and its people a decent living; and it would raise the quality of journalism in NZ much more cheaply than having a horde of Senior Specials (if they still exist) on the payroll.

    That idea would only work with total editorial silo-ing, of course.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • OnPoint: The Source, in reply to Islander,

    Paua brain: I can hear it catching on. I will seed it with the teens.

    BTW I haven’t seen any mention of EQC’s documentation being compromised. That's a pity; I would like to see the costings for my house. Ironic isn't it: I own a house, pay insurance, yet I am not allowed to know details of the insurance repair process. Yet children are taken by the government to live in a safe house where the address is publicly available on government computers throughout New Zealand. A lot is very wrong with both situations.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • OnPoint: MSD's Leaky Servers, in reply to Matthew Poole,

    I'm not inclined to disbelieve that, TBH. Mr Blogger's anonymous allegations above don't really mesh with how government agencies are structured

    I don't know much about government IT so I have no idea. However, Mr Blogger activates my bs sensor. Until I see proof...

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • OnPoint: MSD's Leaky Servers,

    Boyle on TV was adamant no spillover into other government departments/ministries, bar a few rats and mice at Cera and somewhere else inconsequential. Would you like a side of damage control with that humble pie Sir?

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • OnPoint: MSD's Leaky Servers, in reply to Joeseph Bloggers,


    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • OnPoint: MSD's Leaky Servers,

    It's a serious scandal; Key whips out the Brash/Muldoon crisis handbook. Guess what page he's on: "playing the race card":
    But this MSD scandal will burn long and hot.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • OnPoint: MSD's Leaky Servers,

    On the bright side, this saga proves that National has taken open government to a new level of transparency.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • OnPoint: MSD's Leaky Servers, in reply to David Cormack,

    Or is it a white knight smear appearing?
    That's my fear, that they will say "oh there's no evidence of a link to Keith" but we'll all think it anyway.

    It is the saying. The shit machine is cranking into operation, and if this country wants any form of journalistic freedom (read a democracy) everyone who can should get behind Keith Ng and Russell Brown (as the publisher) now.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • OnPoint: MSD's Leaky Servers, in reply to Glenn Pearce,

    Mr Boyle said the ministry was contacted last week by a man who said their systems weren't robust and he would cooperate if there was a reward.

    Did this really happen, or is Mr Boyle relying on the MSD computer phone logs for his evidence?

    Or is it a white knight smear appearing?

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

  • Capture: Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand, in reply to Sofie Bribiesca,

    Really ,the view left a bit to be desired ;)

    Where is it? I want to be there now.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts Report

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