Posts by webweaver

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  • Up Front: The Up Front Guide: Dressing…,

    Well, hello, Tim Gunn :)

    Surely there are some heterosexual examples?

    George Clooney. Sean Connery. Tom from Survivor

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: The back of a bloody envelope,

    Absolutely Sofie - I'm so impressed at how many people turned out. Go Auckland! The reports before the march said that the organisers were hoping for 10,000, so 50,000 is stunning.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: The back of a bloody envelope,

    The Auckland March Against Mining is HUGE.

    Latest reports put the number at 50,000. Woah. Awesome. Wish I was there.

    Live twitter and photo stream here - Don't Undermine New Zealand

    Live video here -

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: The back of a bloody envelope,

    ...and in breaking news this morning, it's been announced that a three-week extension has been added to the public submission period:

    Today Energy and Resources Minister Resources Gerry Brownlee said ministers had agreed that in "the interests of fairness" the submission period should be extended while the Government completed the stakeholder engagement process.

    "Cabinet agreed hui would be held with iwi significantly affected by the Government's proposals. These meetings will be held in early May. It is important that iwi have an opportunity to provide written submissions after the hui, so we have decided to extend the dates for all submissions to 26 May," Mr Brownlee said.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: The back of a bloody envelope,

    Thought I might have a go at resurrecting this thread to bring news about submissions made so far to the govt's Schedule 4 stocktake discussion paper.

    I was at the Mining/No Mining debate in town this evening - much raucous heckling and fun being had by all - except perhaps those speaking in favour of mining (I don't think they had much fun).

    Anyway, Metiria Turei said that so far, not counting today, 14,000 submissions to the discussion paper have been received.

    Holy shit! That's a HECK of a lot of submissions!

    I asked her afterwards how many submissions the govt normally receives on a specific issue, and she said generally around 1,000 was considered average. She said, as a comparison, that there were around 2,000 submissions relating to the Foreshore & Seabed, which was considered a large number at the time.

    Submissions close at 5pm on May 4 (this coming Tuesday), so you still have time to make one, assuming you haven't already.

    There are detailed submission guides and also quick submission tools online at Greenpeace, The Green Party and Forest & Bird - or you can go to the MED website and do it there instead.

    It'll be interesting to see how many more they get over the weekend....

    Oh - and if you're in Auckland on Saturday, don't forget the anti-mining protest - Don't undermine New Zealand! - starts at 11am, Lower Queen Street. Wish I could be there!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Random Play: Police. Security. Screams.…,

    Nothing wrong with a little teen idol-worship.

    My first love was David Cassidy - I felt some what guilty replacing his poster in pride of place on my bedroom wall with that of Donny Osmond - but goshdarnit I was gonna marry Donny, after all!

    (I made sure there was no competition in our family as to who actually was going to marry Donny by graciously allowing my younger sister to claim Jimmy as her very own. How generous of me!)

    Later it was the Bay City Rollers (of course! who could resist the cut-off jeans with tartan edging - and the stripey socks beneath!). My God we were so stylish back then. Derek the blonde drummer was my fave - followed closely by Woody, the cute young one.

    After that I had an ongoing dalliance with some of the glam rock boys - Sweet, Slade, Mud et al (Bowie and T-Rex were a little grown-up for me, however)...

    And then I became a punk.


    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dude, what just happened?,

    Keith Locke has a post about the SOG bail conditions up on frogblog - Bail conditions digging up too much info

    This bail condition is a clear violation of the Bill of Rights provision against unreasonable search. Those on bail can be subjected to certain constraints, but those constraints cannot be extended to any customer walking into a shop. There is no legal requirement for customers to produce ID unless there is a law governing the sale of that particular consumer item – as with alcohol where it is reasonable for retailers to ask for the ID of those who appear under 18.

    In this case the the Police are misusing their powers to require shop staff to help them in their surveillance of citizens purchasing items on sale to people of all ages.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: We invented everything,

    @Jackie - was that the one where they had to survive using only the internet to communicate with the outside world?

    They were locked in the house and were supposed to earn/raise money (presumably so they could buy food etc) via the interwebs. They were all deeply crap at this, had no ideas or thoughts on how they could achieve this and were all supremely unmotivated anyway.

    Eventually someone came up with the lame idea of baking muffins and trying to sell them (via emails to their friends, I seem to recall). This ended up being the sum total of their online achievements. It really was a tragic little show - and in terms of the concept, at least 2 years ahead of its time.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Up Front: Time for an Intervention,

    Aha! Yes Islander! Me! Half of today's emails didn't arrive in my inbox until this evening - hours after they were sent - and ones I sent also took hours to arrive.

    And talking of being recognised (or not) - when I first came to NZ many moons ago I spent months travelling round the country. When I arrived in your neck-o-the-woods (which I reckon is the most beautiful place on earth) I was told, very proudly, by more than one local person "Did you know - Islander lives here".

    You mean a lot to them - and consequently to me - as you were the first NZ author I ever became aware of (reading Hemi's Autumn Testament in the rain while sitting on the verandah in a commune up the Ahu Ahu River was the second).

    You may not have been properly recognised by The Establishment, but you are most certainly valued by those who know you. But I'm sure you know that already :)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Up Front: Time for an Intervention,

    Of course! We're cool just... because.

    Not as cool as Carterton of course - anyone who votes for Georgina as mayor has to be the coolest of the cool in my book. Wish she'd stand for Mayor of Wellington (there was a rumour she might a coupla years back) - maybe she'd be able to release us from Prendergastly's iron grip...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

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