Posts by Richard Aston

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  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to Dastardly Bounder,

    We need a deep level of moral change for a very large portion of New Zealand’s men, including boys, their family and the police.

    +1 Dastardly
    And I think it starts with men , we need to start the conversations, among older men, with younger men, with our boys.
    For a man to develop a deep respect for women is to develop a deeper respect for humanity, the masculine and for himself .

    In my experience the key influence on boy's attitudes to women, over and above peer pressure, is the signals they get from the older men in their lives.

    I am looking at the older men in these boys lives and thinking they should be hanging their heads in shame for failing their boys so much.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to simon g,

    In short, it’s all too clear they don’t get it.

    Yes did you notice the last line by Tamihere

    Mr Tamihere also levelled some criticism at the media reporting of the interview, saying "there's a bunch of people in the media that hate our guts

    Yeah right , first its the girls fault now its the media's fault .

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to nzlemming,

    How can you have got through 12 pages of these comments and not got that yet?

    Oh I got it all right , my questions were rhetorical .

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies,

    The technicalities of the law and police action on this leaves me cold. I say that with respect for the nuances of legal debate and those carrying it.

    For me its a moral issue and how a young mans moral compass is formed - or not. How the hell did these boys - I refuse to call them men - grow up thinking this was all right , something to be proud of, something to even publicly show off about?
    What the hell went wrong in the development of their moral compass ?
    Where were the older men in their lives showing by example what it really means to be a man.
    Who missed telling them a real man, an honorable man would not countenance having sex with drunk, incapacitated or just plain young women.
    How the hell did they grow up with so little respect for women?

    It seems to be about power and prestige but who is giving them the prestige?

    Who is not challenging them - gently but firmly, letting them know its not power its a tragic weakness.

    The police are just there to pick up the pieces when us adults allow a moral failure to flourish and grow

    And no I am not supporting the vigilante fathers - though as a father of girls I can understand the impulse - fear will not shift the swampy moral ground either.

    Sorry for the rant but I just realized that if that was my son, I would feel I had failed him.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to Russell Brown,

    The moderators were letting through some very strong comments, with swearing and even a suggestion that that the hosts were trying to cover their own past indiscretions, right up until the time the comments were closed.

    Looks like Radio live are trying to balance out the JT and Willie stuff , I got asked to do an interview with Duncan Garner this avo . Looking at the role of older men in shaping the moral compass of younger men - I have strong views , they asked Celia Lashlie but she turned it down saying it was for men to talk about.

    It appears they are trying to brings some breadth and width into the debate or at least drag it out of the swamp.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Okay, I’ll link to it. It’s here.

    Feel free to leave a comment letting Radio Live know what you think.

    Yes they closed the comments ( why?) but reading them all gives me more hope, a resounding WTF are these radio guys thinking.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to Alex Coleman,

    Just listened to the podcast of ‘Willie and JT’ I’m not going to link to it, but All the trigger warnings.

    I'm with you Alex

    I just listened as well as Willie and JT grilled that girl. Their basic message was, you girls know those boys, you get drunk at parties what do you think will happen.
    Basically like its your fault.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies, in reply to Emma Hart,

    Changing that culture is fucking hard work. But it’s not impossible, and it couldn’t be more worth doing. But it’s about teaching about consent, focusing on perpetrators not victims, removing shame from sex. It’s not about cellphones.

    Agree 100% Emma, focus on the perpetrators and I'd add removing power from sex, building the capacity for empathy - from a young age.

    I could add the whole sexed up culture surrounding young people , music video/pornography but hey that's huge and I am not convince we are helpless slaves to media influences.

    Its a big piece of work.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Future of Television,

    <.q> meaningful public broadcasting goals<q>
    What are these? and is public broadcasting an ideal that makes sense if TV is your only moving media view on the world - aside from films. How does public broadcasting sit in the rapidly expanding digital world ?
    I find I am watching as much recorded , on demand, online as live broadcast, than I did 10 years ago. Find myself looking for interesting digital places to watch stuff that interests, challenges and entertains me.
    My broadcast bandwidth is reducing rapidly being replace with digital bandwidth

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Everybody's Machiavelli, in reply to Andrew Geddis,

    Oh dear. Do you want to break news of this rule to my wife in her office the floor above mine, or do I really have to do it myself?


    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

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