Posts by Jolisa

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  • Busytown: A series of tubes,

    It makes me think what's going on there?

    An effect only enhanced by the exclamation mark behind them. And is that an ice-block Ans Westra is holding?

    Yay, new blog!

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: A series of tubes,

    BTW, Sarah, are you blogging these days? I miss your writing.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: A series of tubes,

    Bingo! That's my sis. And I know Beardy Weirdy Man, too.

    So cool that you captured the behind-the-scenes action. What did the littlies make of it all?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Southerly: Ian Wishart's 'Absolute…,

    Just chiming in late to exclaim at the utter brilliance of this piece.

    Best use of Brief Encounter for (tragi)comic relief since Alan Bennett's "The History Boys". Ooh look, here it is.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: A series of tubes,

    Nice pics, Sarah! (And your hair grew - who knew?)

    And oh my god, that cheese chips entree. I think that's what Elvis was eating immediately prior to his terminal event on the commode.

    Christine Kenneally wrote this excellent piece on Outback Steakhouse a while ago, but it still speaks to me, mainly to remind me never to go there. Chocolate Thunder Down Under, anyone?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: A series of tubes,

    Jackie, I had to go googling to find you an answer. It looks like Newhart (the second series) was based in Vermont, perhaps in a small town called New Haven? But I couldn't swear to it.

    If you watch the new Indiana Jones movie, though, you'll see some very nice shots of New Haven during the motorbike-bus-truck chase sequence.

    New Haven is also famous (or infamous) as the birthplace of pizza, hamburgers, lollipops, Erector Set, frisbies, the cartoon strip Doonesbury, and a certain sitting President of the USA... can't win 'em all, I guess.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: A series of tubes,

    Belt, all sympathy for your experience. Wouldn't it be nice if "private room" meant something more like "luxury suite"? We were lucky to get our own room - it's a teaching hospital, so with initial symptoms exciting enough to make the doctors ask questions like "Has he played with turtles recently?", we were fast-tracked into a quarantined room, where we were allowed to stay even once it became clear this was nothing more than a particularly horrible case of Norwalk virus, aka Cruise Ship Surprise.

    For me the first night's sleep was the best, even though it started well after midnight. The nurses who snuck in and changed the vilest nappies known to humankind while I snored deserve at least ten times more than they were actually being paid. And the hero at the lab whose job it was to analyse said nappy... no amount of money would be enough, in my opinion. Even the seasoned ex-Navy nurse, a big strong guy who must have seen and smelt worse in his time, offered to come back with some air freshener.

    No morphine for either of us, but the TV had a pleasantly narcotic effect, especially the two hour episode of American Idol with the kids performing unspeakable acts on Beatles songs.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: A series of tubes,

    Any YouTube footage of that performance, Danielle? Sounds solid gold!

    I certainly hope Heineken makes him hugely rich, anyway.

    I reckon. And what with FoTC burning up the TV (psst, Amy, how do you think I watched the whole first series? Let's just say in bite-sized chunks), and Jemaine doing the Outback Steakhouse ads, the covert Kiwi takeover of American consciousness is almost complete...

    Speaking of which, thanks Jeremy for spotting an early symptom of deculturation. Did I actually type "diapers"? Poo. The word has only ever passed my lips in cases of extreme urgency when I can't afford to wait for the locals to catch up or get subtitles. But it looks like my fingers have begun to assimilate it'll be my elbows next, and then where will it stop. Thankfully, we still have bums in our house rather than butts (cf. Russell's post the other day).

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: A series of tubes,

    Awww guys, you're making me blush. I was worried that was the most uninspired "where have I been" post ever. Still, when words (or other people's immune systems) fail me, I can link - and embed! - with the best of 'em.


    I didn't realise how good [Tom Lehrer] was, musically.

    I know, genius, right? How he can play the Vatican Rag and sing at the same time is beyond me.

    Danielle and Ethan:

    Woolly Valley didn't ring a bell, but look, someone wants to resurrect it! I must have been listening to Buzz O'Bumble or watching the Monkees on the other channel. But Mika (no relation to this guy I guess) does sound vaguely familiar, and I have an extreme fondness for Scandinavian stories in which not a lot happens. See also Astrid Lindgren's Noisy Village stories, in which they climb a tree, walk to school, say hello to a dog, etc, and somehow it is absolutely riveting.

    As for the little mole, we got turned onto him by the family of Pepichek, one of the kid formerly known as Busytot's little mates in NYC. Love those crazy Czechs. Everything is art!

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Shihad are like the All…,

    Oh, it's not too late to resurrect the lost tangents and shuffle the discussion back to the real issues...

    Bob, I'd also thoroughly recommend Peter Hessler's Oracle Bones which I'm finishing at the moment.

    Echoing Simon's recommendation - Hessler's pieces for the New Yorker are always worth turning to first.

    As any fule kno: Archie Duke shot an ostrich because he was hungry

    Up with skool! Amy is right, although the poor old ostrich died for nothing.

    And of course the big unanswered question looming over this whole discussion is Shihad : All Blacks :: Phoenix Foundation : ?

    Answers on a postcard.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

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