Posts by David Hood
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Damage unions generally? Only if they conduct their campaigns with a similar inability to bring a coherent strategy and message.
Serve as a textbook example of how not to run an industrial campaign? Absolutely. Get the related unions onside beforehand, get a clear set of goals to articulate which can be humanised in the detail.
I'd call it a win for global unionism, and after the local film industry has stagnated for a decade or so with regard to international productions, I could see the next generation of those involved on all sides lobbying the government to follow Ireland's example for allowing collective contracts in order to be part of the global film industry.
I wouldn't compare a nine year trend with a one year trend and I wouldn't read too much into the ritual big wins opponents get against Bangladesh.
Let alone using a non-standard metric of "time at the crease in Bangladesh" as a comparison.
If i was a sports reporter i'd check figures.
The time New Zealand batsmen spent at the crease in Bangladesh in 2010 was a dramatic improvement on the average time per year in the 2001-2009 period. This dramatic improvement in New Zealand's statistics shows the team is moving in the right direction.
Hey, it's world statistics day tomorrow.
Make a wish!I don't want to sound mean, but I wish everyone a very average day.
And here is version 2 of my DCC Central ward relationship graph.
again, pdf on google sites
Based on highest, second highest, and lowest vote reassignment when a candidate is excluded. Black lines are favoured (thickness of line showing strength) red lines are the least liked by the candidates voters. -
Yup, I'm going to try for a little more subtlety on the next version, which if I can get the module working the way I want it to should also get rid of the arrows, just placing friendly people near each other.
So for example the exclusion of Samual Mann mildly benefited (mild friend) Shane Gallagher and (compared to all other candidates) mildly hindered (mild enemy) Jono Clark. OTOH when Jono Clark was excluded Shane Gallanger mildly benefited (mild friend).
James- The ranking is (in a quick and dirty way) based on the effect the exclusion of candidates had on the other candidates vote at the time of next exclusion (or final result), so after all the recalculating effects have taken place. It is an outflow graph, so the scaling effect is based on the vote size of the excluded candidate, and how that changed others votes in absolute numbers (so no scaling for the inflow)
My first stap at a visualisation of the D.C.C. is a Frienemy graph made with GraphViz. The graph (pdf format) shows how the exclusion of candidates helped or hindered the vote of other candidates. Help arrows are blue, hinder arrows are red. Thicker arrow lines are more significant than thinner (this is ranked, and only the most extreme four help/hinder relationships are shown).
pdf from google sites
I'm going to give the neato model a go to have it generate some easier to read clustering (but I've never used that so will need a play first). -
Thanks Graeme, that explains it nicely.