Posts by Jolisa

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  • Hard News: Go Us,

    A comment on CNN likened it to Borat at the rodeo, and there was that about it.

    Nice. See also the pic (as of this moment) on She looks demonic: eyes like coals. And she's sticking her tongue out. It's an intriguing editorial choice, to say the least - oh wait, they've changed it already to something more flattering.

    Talk about knee to the goolies, though. She's not afraid to take the gloves off. Lucky she pre-empted everyone with that ancient joke about the rottweiler.

    Are we allowed to comment on the children? Because I thought Piper looked like a shoo-in for President in, say, 2048. What a natural. And I thought the son-in-law could at least have spit his gum out before taking to the stage.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    And to the extent it already seems that she was not properly vetted by McCain's team, it raises questions about his judgement as well.

    Somebody somewhere suggested moving on from Troopergate, Babygate, etc, and going directly to Vettinggate.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,


    Please! You're one of PAS's most articulate posters; I'm sure you can converse without swearing at me.

    Perhaps this is a cultural difference? I am writing from the US, spent the day talking with locals of various stripes; nobody wants to believe but it neither can they not talk about it. It's all up for discussion (on a theoretical level) because we are curious people and we sense we're being seriously played here, wheels within wheels. There's an intense degree of paranoia about it all, and I'm fascinated, in a Pynchonian sort of way.

    it's not as if she would have accepted the nomination knowing that something like that would have come out.

    Ah, but think of the context. It's not as if Edwards would have run for President knowing that something like his affair would have come out. They do it anyway. And so the scepticism.

    But in the meantime why not let the liberals dig themselves a Washington monument-sized grave?

    I sense I'm a handy target for something else you're angry about, and that we're actually on the same page. Could you explain? Without swear words?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: I Don't Think it Means What…,

    Tell him he's dreaming!

    Ha! We use "jousting sticks" as code for similar situations.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    Aww... kick an old man when he's down whydontcha.

    Sorry, shouldn't have done that, even with slippers on. Very august occasion though, for a calendrical pedant (I was celebrating with you in 2001). Many happy returns.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    Because pregnant women always know exactly how pregnant they are?

    I'm not "banging on about it," I'm trying to puzzle out the basis for the enthusiastic embrace of it. It's meta.

    And I don't strictly speaking need a hug, but I would like one. A group one? Then we could "let go" and attend to the more important topics. Like bristols and hands and Andrew's birthday party.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Go Us,

    Awaiting the launch of

    He's only a couple of letters off Palin, too, so they wouldn't have to reprint all the signs, just hand out a bunch of magic markers.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    I like the one with the pigtails who broke his heart.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    Horses and Bristols, they're both measured in Hands.

    High five!

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    Actually, my dear, [whispers] you're already in your 49th year and you'll be in your 50th year in a couple of weeks. But looking good!

    Yes, that's more or less what I'm getting at. Thank you.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

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