Posts by merc
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</Drivel alert>
Viva Zapata! -
Hughes Jean, AWE.
Marae (news show) on Maori TV was incredible last night.
Not to mention that they will never fly/ travel free from circumspection again, ever, beyond reasonable doubt or not.
Passport please sir, oh I see, please come with us. -
Oh I’m a surfer, we change in and out of our wetsuits in public carparks with free abandon, if you want to stare, go for it. However I think Kyle may have suggested a darker tone re. my pants round my ankles on the web owing to Danyls supposedly owning me, very strange behaviour for a violence trainer.
I’m a little creeped out. -
Actually Kyle, on reflection I would like a retraction, that comment is totally out of order, suggesting my public pantlessness is demeaning.
And BTW, did you get a rev from the pants imagery my Southern red neck friend?
You know Kyle that says a lot more about you than it does about me, and indeed why you’d bother to say it.
But in these times of fear mongering, you may yet prove to be a useful idiot. -
Thanks nanoplanet but I think you’ll that Danyl’s are more robust, well considered, researched and far less drivelly.
I for one thank him for his erudition, unbiased critique of all things important and well frankly the sexy way he seems to so easily wrap his comments up in good old salt of the earth wisdom and well humour.
More power to him, NZ is well served. -
The threads about ‘The Hollow Men’ appear to be blissfully free of merc drivel.
I think you’re confusing me with someone who cares.