Posts by David Hood
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OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to
A one in one hundred year event is more than 50% likely to occur within a 70 year period. OTOH, there is around a 20% chance it will not happen in a given 160 year period.
The U.S. last (kind of) defaulted in 1933, when it decided to stop paying people in gold.
Well, my thought is that the Silly Season Doctor Who news section is well and truly won by David Tennant's engagement to Georgia Moffett (who is the daughter of Peter Davison) whom he met on the Doctor Who series.
Hard News: I'm not a "f***ing cyclist".…, in reply to
I imagine him swimming furiously along and pinning them to fleeing sharks. Although they’d probably leave him alone if he just quit skitching off them.
And sometimes the shark doesn't get away
Drunk tourist goes swimming in deadly shark infested waters -
This throwable magnet design strikes me as a bad idea in practise, as any situation I would want to throw one I'm going to need both hands to steer and all my attention on the environment. Though in stop-start traffic I guess you might catch up with someone who nearly bowled you.
Have to read them soon, so I can then wrap them up for Christmas presents. Is that allowed?
It's called 'checking all the pages are there'
And for the older than my daughter age group, I see the very, very new Charles De Lint YA novel The Painted Boy has a google books preview
I asked my daughter what she would recommend as YA fiction, and without hesitation she named Un Lun Dun by China Miéville.
After some thought she also named the The Underland Chronicles series by Suzanne Collins. -
as male characters speaking and saying more, doing more
A thought that crossed my mind was Odo Hirsch's Hazel Green books, which feature a strong, well written female lead, I would say equivalent to the Tiffany Aching Pratchett books. Because our daughter read them some years back I tend to think more as children's rather than YA.
I’m a huge fan of De Lint
Well, we called our daughter Meran, which De Lint fans should recognize, but I think unsupervised access to the De Lint cannon will be about right at age 15 for her. That said I've thrown the odd short story her way to give a go (she is 12 at the moment).
...Perhaps a preview is in order. The Graveyard Book...
Speaking of previews of the Graveyard Book, Neil Gaimen is reading a chapter on stops of his current book tour, and posting the recordings:
see his blog for individual chapter recordings.