Posts by David Hood

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  • Muse: NZIFF Rant: A Diva's Place Is On…,

    The Austin Drafthouse Cinema were in the news a little while back for their new warning spot before films

    Dunedin • Since May 2007 • 1445 posts Report

  • Hard News: Science: it's complicated, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    I’d like to know this: Is there any way that an organic crop could contaminate a GM crop?

    Homepathically, for sure.

    Dunedin • Since May 2007 • 1445 posts Report

  • Hard News: How much speech does it take?,

    Apropos of U.K. citizenship, a little while back the rather good BBC stats show/podcast "More or Less" had a marriage themed show where they were predicting there was going to be a rise in marriages that the media would ascribe to the Royal wedding. Whereas they were pointing out that the previous policy of cracking down on dodgy weddings for citizenship was ending, and so to would the accompanying drop in the number of marriages (which the media had ascribed to things like young people losing faith with traditional institutions).

    Dunedin • Since May 2007 • 1445 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Asking the next question, in reply to Matthew Poole,

    “If 30 years of trickle-down economics have failed

    Unfortunately, the answer would be "that was not a proper free market" leading to one of the three inevitable answers
    a) More deregulation
    b) Get tough on crime
    c) Don't let the brown people take your stuff (there is overlap between b & c in this mindset)

    My question would be something like- Is there any level of empirical evidence that would cause you to change your mind on this? If so, what?

    Dunedin • Since May 2007 • 1445 posts Report

  • Up Front: Life on Mars,

    Everyone deserves to live in zeppelins. In a cool, non-explody kind of way. I must admit I like the theory that the more unusual a parallel universe you live in, the more zeppelins it has. Which logically means our own universe is not the prime one.

    Dunedin • Since May 2007 • 1445 posts Report

  • Hard News: Christchurch: Square Two, in reply to Isabel Hitchings,

    Are there schools currently located in the red zone?

    Many of the schools which draw students from these areas already face real problems and are operating at alternative sites because of the damage to their facilities. This is another challenge that we will have to work through with the Ministry of Education and the schools.

    At the moment no schools are being closed. Decisions on the future of schools will be made in due course as the longer-term schooling needs of Christchurch become clear

    Dunedin • Since May 2007 • 1445 posts Report

  • Southerly: One Hundred and Thirty-one…, in reply to Gareth Ward,

    Re the shower/change facilities at workplaces - how do people usually make this work? As in, how do you get your corporate worky clothes to said facilities - drive once a week or something?

    My work section (Otago Univeristry) has about 30 staff and of those 4-5 are daily commuting cyclists. The building has a shower but most people don't use it, instead just taking an easy pace on the cycle in (admittedly, the placement of the University means that the to work ride is downhill for most). More important I think in making your life easier than a shower is clothing storage- I actually have a wardrobe in my office, other people have lockers. It means you can have several days supply of clothes, and carrying in new clean clothes to replace things you take home at the end of day. Having a few days store means that, even if you get caught in a thunderstorm and the clothing you are taking in gets wet, you still have a supply. (I should also admit that as I work in an academic environment I only get suited up on occasions when I am acting in an official capacity to others. In days when I am writing and doing administration I might remain casually dressed all day (not that I own any lycra)).

    Dunedin • Since May 2007 • 1445 posts Report

  • Muse: DIGITAL LINKY LOVE, in reply to Ben Chapman,

    I showed off my ukulele homage to an audience, based on this version

    My daughter developed her ukulele cover before hearing the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain's version. I'd call it successful in that people have given her money when playing it busking.

    Dunedin • Since May 2007 • 1445 posts Report


    I think Wolfmother's cover sounds more like a cover of James Reyne's cover.

    Dunedin • Since May 2007 • 1445 posts Report

  • Hard News: Someone has to be accountable…,

    I see (via Slashdot) there have be arrests in the New York CityTime system. Projected cost $68 million, final cost $740 million. The project manager has been charged with taking $5 million in kickbacks and giving $450 million in 'work' to the company that provided the kickbacks. Back in December consultants were charge with stealing $80 million.

    Dunedin • Since May 2007 • 1445 posts Report

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