Posts by David Hood
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Hard News: Last Words, in reply to
I’m voting for SM in the referendum, in the hope of balancing the numbers for each “alternative” out so that none gets enough support to create a bandwagon.
I would have thought that with John Key's endorsement of SM, and the campaign for change, that SM will be the highest non-MMP option (though I could make a case for FPP or STV). I'm not expecting PV to get much love.
As with almost every first term government in New Zealand history, there are a fair number of people willing to extend National the benefit of the doubt. That said, it is looking like the what I think of as "parties National gives a lifeline to in order to be able to change it's policies and still look like the moderates" are collapsing this election, so the most likely result is, say, a National/Maori Party government. Which will have the flow on effect that if National wants to go beyond its mandate it will have to own it rather than being "forced" into it by a sockpuppet party.
I think the poll movements have shown that the Greens are increasingly been seen as a third axis rather than National and LabourOrGreens.
I think this election will hinge on turnout, not so much of the party faithful but of the increasing number of people that have become undecided in the past month- if the show and which way will they move. -
Legal Beagle: Referendum Fact Check #6:…, in reply to
There must be a suitable name for that wonderful condition…
One is a shambling, uncoordinated rabble.
No hang on... -
I think it is a difficult sell for National to say "don't vote for the Greens, they're unstable" while wanting people to vote for ACT, but I realise they are unlikey to be pinned down about this dissonance over the coming week.
As I was waiting for John Key
There was a man I didn't see
He didn't front again today
I think he might have run away -
Then there is the genre of "Bad Lip Reading"
Perhaps the government could seek to retroactively change the law to make clear the taping was legal.
Maybe not.
Because I have trouble not doing extensive unasked research on topics for no reward, here is the canonical list of people who, in the period 01 Feb 2011 to 31 Oct 2011, made up 72% of panel appearances in order of frequency:
Name (appearances)
Neil Miller (12)
Graham Bell (12)
David Farrar (12)
Finlay MacDonald (11)
David Slack (10)
Tony Doe (9)
Bomber Bradbury (9)
Rosemary McLeod (9)
Michelle Boag (9)
Gary McCormick (9)
Chris Trotter (9)
Brian Edwards (8)
Mark Inglis (8)
John Bishop (8)
Bernard Hickey (8)
Irene Gardiner (8)
Sue Wells (7)
Stephen Franks (7)
Simon Pound (7)
Barry Corbett (7)
Matt Nippert (7)
Jock Anderson (7)
Jane Clifton (7)
Islay Mcleod (7)
Tim Watkin (6)
Duncan Webb (6)
Sir Bruce Slane (6)
Raybon Kan (6)
Penny Ashton (6)
Ali Jones (6)
Michelle A'Court (6)
Julia Hartley-Moore (6)
Jonathan Krebs (6)Regardless of how baby-boom complacency the panel is weighted, I wish to point out the afternoon show it replaced had a regular spot for homeopathic pet treatments.