Posts by DexterX

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  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to Dismal Soyanz,

    I said this before:

    "The justification for the sale of power generation is to raise capital from Mum and Dad investors for the purpose of funding infrastructure development in schools hospitals etc.

    If that is what this govt really want to do they could issue limited amounts of government stock that can only be subscribed to by private individuals in amounts of say $5,000 up to $50,000, that are non tradeable and tied to fund the a specific project."

    I would also like to say that a CGT is like giving heroin to a heroin addict as a cure for heroin addiction.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    John Key's celebrity crushes The Uncut Unpublished Version II - Next Weeks Sunday News.

    On Friday’s talk show with Tony Veitch John Key set the record straight, he unreservedly apologised for any offence his "Hotlist" comments may have caused women, excluding the wife, "Face it she is used to it", Key chortled.

    Key said, "Look, I know it is election year and women sometimes vote; lets be honest, I still stand to attention at the thought of a liaison with any of the chics on my hotlist, if NZ women vote for me they will definitely make it onto that list”,

    “After all is said and done this is how I feel, I want to govern as an all inclusive leader, I would hate to think that any NZ women felt left out and didn’t vote for me as a result, it’s not as if I have a Shane Jones thing going on, let it be known any vote for me gets you on my hotlist and gives you a special place in my heart”.

    Key thanked and attributed this change of heart to Dean Lonergan who he had now appointed as his Press Person; Key mentioned that Dean's legs were too hairy to get him into a short skirt so he was called a "Press Person" rather than a "Press Secretary".

    Sue Kedgley was asked to comment on Key’s repositioning, her response was a brief, "WTF?”

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to BenWilson,

    Refer to Kyle's post above the CGT will get passed on and there is also the position that it could take the form of an annual tax levy and it will definitely be recovered or covered by rents.

    With regard to the other comments posted that lean towards growth - my view is that the economic growth is best undertaken by supporting innovation/ideas to get established and prosper.

    The growth part of the economy doesn’t necessarily come from IPOs or the NZSE.

    Creating a climate for growth is what is needed.

    Part of the support government provides to NZ owned and based fledgling enterprises (that are starting to earn export dollars) is that they pay a lesser level of tax based on the amount that is reinvested in the enterprise (so that a toe hold in an offshore market can become a foothold or a platform for further growth). The rate of reinvestment has a direct result on the rate of growth.

    Blah, Blah, Blah

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to Steve Parks,

    This is an extract from the Lbour Party conference:

    “A capital gains tax was considered to be a vital part of the mix. Too many are doing business for a capital gain rather than development of technology. And change has to occur.”

    I found this a bit naive. Who are the “Too many that are doing business for capital gain” and what is the proof? What “technology” did the people at the conference want “developed” and what risks where they going to take to do “it” – whatever “it” was that they considered needed doing.

    If you want to encourage reinvestment then you provide tax relief for development – not a punitive capital gains tax which will effectively be passed on to the working poor and beneficiaries as increased rent and living costs whilst also sending the “business talent” off shore.

    I find the experts view in the Herald Naive for the same reasons I have mentioned above.

    A capital gains tax is not an answer – in the same way that the ETS won’t solve global warming - A CGT won't growth the ecomomy. .

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    CGT is crap and it shows that the opposition(labour and the greens) are just as vacuous as the present govt.

    A CGT to bnidge the cap in reckless spending is not responsible govt.

    If Govt debt sits at 20% of GDP, then bringing the spend under control and promoting growth is the answer.

    I would hope that the Govt does change but it will depend on the opposition promoting a credible alternative - it doesn't appear they have the collective wit to do this and a CGT I don't think would help change the govt.

    If capitlal values drop will the Govt give people a refund.

    The burden of CGT will end up in the rented doorstop of the working poor.

    Another level of taxation is not an answer to anything.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    The circus is 'Talk Back" - there is no bread.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    A focus on increasing New Zealander's investment in NZ to fund more of our growth from our domestic savings/markets would be better than reminicsing on who you would most like to phuck..

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!, in reply to Sacha,

    Sacha - it is the Uncut Unpublished Version - it differs from the publihsed and edited copy found here:

    My analysis is that it sucks and he blows - what is yours?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    John Key's celebrity crushes The Uncut Unpublished Version - Sunday News

    Prime Minister John Key has revealed his celebrity crushes and says he's envious of Shane Warne's ongoing fling with a "hot" Liz Hurley.

    Key ­ who is married to his childhood sweetheart, Bronagh ­ opened up about what high-profile women set his heart aflutter on lowlife Tony Veitch's Radio Sport breakfast show on Friday following questions about his sporting idols.

    Proving he's a typical Kiwi bloke Key said that if he could be any sporting star he'd be an All Blacks masseur but added he wouldn't mind taking a swing at being Tiger Woods' woodman either.

    "Obviously for the money I would be doing the wild thing alongside Tiger. You get paid a truckload of money," he said, adding, "There are other benefits that clearly come with the job" too and I bet Barack and Tiger are related.

    The conversation took a sexy turn after Veitch asked the jovial PM if he'd like to be love-rat Warnie. "Yeah, well given his current liaisons with Liz Hurley," Key said.

    "I like Liz Hurley actually. I reckon she is hot." Key, who has two teenagers, Stephie and Max, admitted that Hurley was a "definite" in his dream date top three, adding that she's "slightly older".

    When asked who else was on his wish list Key said, "there are a range". He later said Sin City star "Jessica Alba looked pretty hot" despite her latest movie, Little Fockers, being "rubbish" and that Brad Pitt's squeeze, Angelina Jolie "is not too bad" either and a threesome would be a dream come true.

    Key also said he had cleared his things to do list of all the important items, which had included getting elected, meeting Obama, getting Gerry and Bill to do all the work whilst Rodney takes the blame, and letting the Maori Party blindside itself.

    Key mused that aside from the "hot list" all he had to do next was get re-elected and flog off the swag of SOE's owned by the tax payer - which wasn't really that important bearing in mind the economy is worth $180 billion and the effect of selling SOE's was negligible to him but wouild devistate the working poor, but hey lets do it anyway because that is what Nats do, we carry on with Rogers D’s great work. “Face it the taxpayers are in for a flogging”, he grinned to himself with hands in deep pockets well hidden from view.

    Veitch then inquired, "Who the PM would turn gay for" and Key replied "My childhood friend and confidant Keith Ng stole my lunch and my heart" and he would always "get my vote". Key praising Keith mentioned, "When the rough boys at school hung me up on the coat hooks by the back of my shorts or left me up turned in rubbish bins Keith always came to my rescue and then ate my lunch."

    While Key's comments might have been well received by Radio Sport's predominantly homosexual Sonny Boy Williams worshipping male audience of 12, they didn't impress veteran MP and women's rights campaigner Sue Kedgley.

    The four-term Green MP, who will stand down at the upcoming election, said Key's comments were boorish and unbecoming of a prime minister.

    "He is obviously trying to appeal to a SBW worshipping audience. "But it does sound a bit odd to be going on and on about women who are `hot', etc," she told Sunday News.

    "It is a bit stereotypical and rather odd, coming from a Prime Minister".

    "They do seem a little bit 1960s comments, rather than what you [would] expect in the 21st century"

    Kedgley also made mention that, “SBW doesn't deserve a place in the ABs and wasn't up to throwing the pass of the century that Ma'a Nonu threw against the Boks”, however she conceded that, “The SBW worshipping audience that Key was appealing to couldn’t see that Ma’a Nonu was better and also couldn’t fathom that Key was in fact the pixie he tried to make Goff out to be, face it those SBW Worshippers that make up the Tony Veitch audience of 12 are in denial.”

    On the other side of the airwaves, Veitch's rival breakfast host, former Kiwis league great Dean Lonergan said Key's comment had made him respect the PM’s economic ability even more. "John Key is a strong leader and a very good family man," the LiveSport host said, “he obviously reads all the women’s magazines and has been on the cover of the Listener, so he is genuine in his desire to give the working poor a flogging”.

    "Those women who might be upset at his comments are obviously just disappointed they never made John Key's things to do list and never will.

    "He's a normal man who expresses normal manly sentiments from time to time. I didn't hear the comments live to air, but I have no doubt they were said with a level of decency befitting any game show host."

    Key also used his weekly comment piece to fire a broadside at Labour leader Phil Goff, saying he was as inconsistent as the Black Caps who couldn’t hit a home run or pitch a curve ball.

    When asked why he felt the need to express his secret inner desires with Tony Veitch, Key responded, "I felt I was raising my standards and appealing to a wider range of voter and that being honest gave me a warm wet feeling I hadn’t previously experienced, it is a step up from the whole Paul Henry thing and it makes me feel like a bloke you can trust".

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    The justification for the sale of power generation is to raise capital from Mum and Dad investors for the purpose of funding infrastructure development in schools hospitals etc.

    If that is what this govt really want to do they could issue limited amounts of government stock that can only be subscribed to by private individuals in amounts of say $5,000 up to $50,000, that are non tradeable and tied to fund the a specific project.

    The rub is that the purpose they are touting is not likely to be true – I doubt they could supply a list of what schools, hospitals and other infrastructure they are going to fund or how much they are going to get from this sale of power generation.

    I do not favour the government proposal for a wide range of reasons, many which have been expressed here. NZ power largely comes from Hydro and if there is a massive drought that affects power generation what will happen.

    I noted that one opinion pole showed 73% of participants were opposed, I hope this issue brings down the Govt.

    Winston rising on an anti power sale platform will be entertaining and hopefully assist in making Key a one term PM.

    Selling parts of the pie, whilst shrinking the pie, so that you can eat more of the pie doesn’t help grow the pie.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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