Posts by Don Christie

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  • Island Life: Verdict: Not proven,

    Here, here or there, there?

    /me on advisement.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    The right to control the distribution of your works?

    Oh, that's what you are defending is it? Why not just take a big club and smash anyone who has a PC or device that doesn't play nicely with your view of the extent of "distribution".

    It would have a similar effect to DRM and least be clear to us all what you are really doing.

    As for the insults, I do think being described as a "lynch mob" is up there. TTFN. Sorry for implying the recording industry are a bunch of liars, crooks and thieves, I guess that all went out with payolla. Oh, no Bic still flipping burgers?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    lynch mob attack on music rights that is all the rage these days.

    Now you really *have* gone off the rails robbery. What an absolutely stupid statement and misunderstanding of the issues. No musicians' rights are being attacked by those who oppose DRM (TPMs). Get it, none, zip, nada. I see you are descending to insults which hardly strengthens your case.

    What we are doing is defending our rights not to be royally screwed over by the guys that have screwed musicians for decades. Think I'm overstating the case, then why the hell was Prince the "artist formally known as Prince" for so damned long? Why have a whole string of successful "artists" from George Michael through to The Beatles spend so much time railing against the "industry"?

    Musician's rights have stayed the same, they are not under attack, it is the rest of us that are being made to suffer by that ailing industry.

    If that industry is unable to accept the advice from sage people, like those on this forum, that they need a new business model to deal with new models of delivery then they deserve to die. Musicians themselves will not suffer, but you know that, don't you.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Must Try Harder,

    Shadbolt, what a stickler for council process and procedure.

    And old those ancient electoral laws he is trying (unsuccessfully?) to break, what kind of example does that set his council, I wonder.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another Big Day,

    And I'm really beginning to get rather depressed where fundamental civility, and a rhetoric pitched slightly above 'my opponent is a baby-eating pig-fucker', is greeted with a cynical eye roll.

    Nice turn of phrase, Craig, but hardly what is happening between the two leading Dems right now.

    You must be confusing this for when Rovian acolytes accused McCain of fathering illegitimate black kids (because he adopted a child from India) and Kerry of hardly having participated in the Vietnam war.

    Nothing has come close to that in this campaign so far despite your (and others) attempts to claim it has.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: It's the way you tell them,

    A similar comparison was made on PA between Obama and Brash WRT to "one nation" Orewa rhetoric.

    This is where context is so important as in the end the comparisons with Brash and Peters are glib and misleading.

    Orewa was about implying that an indigenous minority was getting an unfair slice of the pie. Winston Peters was not above his cracks at minority either. His first line is about immigration. So whilst they use rhetoric that could be compared to MLK, Mandela or Obama they are doing so in a negative context. It covers a desire to drive wedges between communities and create mistrust.

    Obama's approach may seem like it is using similar language but no-one can be in any doubt that rather than gain power through creating divisions and mistrust, he really is trying to overcome differences in society and find common ground between different groups. It is a trust building approach.

    Some would see this as risky given the Republican's success in maintaining power through wedge politics. But the public are at least able to detect the difference in tone even though the words might look similar.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Post Foo,

    One highlight of foo was that Nat Torkington got to use the phrase "circle jerk" on National Radio.

    "I just buy an ad and they'll print a story about it as well."

    Well yes, but it is incredibly annoying to be called up by a trade mags advertising department, informed they are running a section on your specific area of business and then never hear a peek from the journalists running the stories.

    I don't expect paid advertising to impact on how my company is reported but to be asked for $10k and then not get a sniff of inclusion in the reportage is a bit cheeky.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: In another league,

    I have only heard Plunket once this year. But Russell's comment and that hearing suggests to me that he's going a bit feavourish again. Can anyone confirm this or reassure me this is not the case?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Tidbits ahoy,

    Actually, I can't believe this age old canard (yoof off the streets) is *still* being trotted out as though it is some sort of new revelation. This is so...Norman Tebbitt. Hardly the bright fresh ideas man we are being led to believe in.

    I am also surprised that there was not a promise to bring back National Service to go along with all this.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Tidbits ahoy,

    voucher entitling 16- and 17-year-old school-leavers to a limited period of free educational training at polytechs and other tertiary providers.

    No collusion with Tim Shadbolt then?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

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