Posts by Rosemary McDonald

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  • Hard News: Will the grown-ups ever…, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    "....families wanted authorities to press charges once the mine had been re-entered and all evidence obtained rather than taking a private case."

    From back in the day when some actually still believed the promise to re-enter would be honoured.

    How many New Zealanders have had the wool removed from their eyes?

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Envirologue: Too Big to Fail – Why…,

    This is the problem...right here...$2m

    "Wellington City Council could make energy savings of up to $2 million a year by replacing sodium street lights with LED-light emitting diodes."


    "...Commerce Commission clause, lines companies may seek to recover lost revenue because of the savings by offering fixed contracts."


    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: It’s just a bout of Chronic Sorrow, in reply to Sacha,

    That conflation of roles is a problem. Neither of those people are "being paid to represent the interests of the disabled community".

    NZDSN...I suggest you have a gander at their "Vision " page on their website,
    An inclusive New Zealand where all disabled people are included and valued, their human rights are promoted and protected, and they are supported and encouraged to maximise their potential.

    NZDSN believes that the human rights of disabled people must be promoted and protected and that when injustices occur that we have an absolute responsibility as individuals and as disability service proviers to intervene and ensure people are safe.

    and check out how much the government has funded them (on top of their subscriptions from govt funded providers) over the past few years.

    Barry De Geeste has been on the Board of the NZDSN since when????

    Claire Teague biggest sin in my book was implying that the reports of abuse and neglect at the hands of her members was a media beef up and her response to the Putting People First report was to see it as an opportunity to work with the MOH on the "perceived lack of confidence in service provison".

    All I am asking is fairness.

    The denigrating of family carers by service providers without the service providers fully acknowledging THEIR gross failings is unforgivable.

    Not that they would ever offer an apology....being the paid advocates of the disabled.

    Actually, when you follow the money, you have to agree with Barry, that paying for it services or advocacy...does actually increase the risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: It’s just a bout of Chronic Sorrow, in reply to Hilary Stace,

    An innovative disability support system would have her at the top level of expert advisors (along with Rosemary McDonald of course).

    That's intended as a joke...right?

    We all know that the only true 'experts' are those who are in paid employment, of some sort.

    They have a title, a job description, dignity, credibility, reputation, kudos, qualifications etc. etc.

    They control the narrative, the discussion.


    I am just an unpaid carer, a beneficiary, who's status as a New Zealand citizen was further diminished as a result of the PHDAct(2), and especially section 70E.

    It's OK for Claire Teague (who of course has no conflict of interest) to go on public telly and express concern that if I were paid to do what I do...well...that's a worry as I did not have the skills the 'professionals' do.

    It's OK for Barry De Geeste (who, of course has no conlflict of interest) to tell me publicly that paying family carers (like me) would lead to "abuse, neglect and exploitation".

    Now, if I make a comment about disability or carer issues...I am (quite rightfully) expected to back up my comment with some sort of official documentation....evidence.

    Teague and De Geeste can make those statements without having to present any evidence to back up their, what are in effect, libellous claims.


    Because they are being paid to represent the interests of the disabled community.


    As one (paid employee from an NGO) told me on facebook some time ago...I'm just producing so much 'white noise'.

    I got the message.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: It’s just a bout of Chronic Sorrow,

    So, if Local Area Coordinators are going to do the Service Coordination part of the Needs Assessment and Service Coordination providers, then they will surely drop the the Service Coordination part of their title....and become...


    Or yet another layer of bureaucracy taking precious funding away from the actual disabled person.

    This has been a carefully constructed state solution to the problem of disabled people demanding more control over their lives.

    "Here's a personal budget, DP, to use on whatever you like, providing you use the service providers who have contracts with us...the government".

    Makes this document, from the UK, all the more pertinant...


    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: It’s just a bout of Chronic Sorrow,

    Hey. EGL sounds great!!!!

    All those positive happy clappy words, strung together by a team of joygerms on P.

    "Service Providers will....

    •work to ensure community (generic) options are exhausted before specialist services are considered "

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: It’s just a bout of Chronic Sorrow, in reply to Hilary Stace,

    Trouble is the people devising these amazing new systems have no understanding of what it is like on the front line, to be in constant stress, have no status and little money.

    Absolutely no idea at all....that is why they hire them.

    Seriously, a mate with considerable hands on experience with disability was turned down for a job at a NASC as she was considered to be too 'sympathetic'.

    Brilliant (and timely) playon Natrad tonight....Sue McCauley's "Rescue Remedy"...

    "Young upwardly-mobile lawyer gets the break of his life, or so he thinks, when he is asked to defend the woman who has attempted to assassinate the prime minister (RNZ)"

    Held us spellbound while I was trying to fix the damn wheelchair.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: It’s just a bout of Chronic Sorrow,

    Must be the season for it Hilary.

    Every word right on the mark.

    I wish I could pick out the lines that best represent my feelings this morning as Peter's e-motion wheels packed a sad and he's now stuck with me pushing him around until I can fix them.

    "Arrangements are fragile, Don't hold your breath. Some security would be nice."


    However...there are moments of real the expense of the puveyors of the tragic/triumph narrative of disability.

    Maybe another time I'll share the conversation that ensued when I attempted to get a little traction from an organisation regarding accessibility. Dear oh dear.

    You really have to laugh.

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Envirologue: What has Neoliberalism Done…, in reply to Sacha,

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

  • Access: Some aspects of New Zealand’s…, in reply to Hilary Stace,

    Yep. And so often it is the sober grandparents who care for the FAS children as the parent's alchohol abuse precludes parenting even a child without the added issues of brain injury.

    And we should also talk about the children damaged in utero by other substance abuse. Pot, solvents, legal highs, prescription drugs etc.

    It is sad, tragic, and so very very avoidable.

    The sins of the parents.....

    Waikato, or on the road • Since Apr 2014 • 1346 posts Report

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