Posts by Jolisa

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  • Busytown: What You Want (Baby We've Got It),

    Readers might be asking themselves if an encounter with a breathtakingly energetic and flexible man could really be constricted to the "quick and dirty" basis described in the sales pitch.

    Logic is not generally a strong point of the genre. On the other hand, a breathtakingly energetic and flexible man might be able to provide multiple quick and dirty services in a given span of time?

    Readers are reminded that they get this service for free. Should they feel their experience differs from the one advertised, the question of any refund cannot, so to speak, arise.

    Oh, I'd say that readers certainly seem well satisfied with your ability to deliver again, and again. Especially this week.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: What You Want (Baby We've Got It),

    You kinky bastards. That's totally unnatural, what you're doing with the alphabet.

    Unless, as David H says, you're doing it au naturel, in which case, as you were.

    Anyone for tennis?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: What You Want (Baby We've Got It),

    Oh, much more elegant, Tom, and duly amended. You're hired.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: What You Want (Baby We've Got It),

    My lawyers will be in touch.

    Er... but surely truth is a defense to a charge of libel, so I should be all right eh, Big Russ? Unless there's something you wish to tell us...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Island Life: A week in the life of that…,

    Even more Sharpie pron.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Speaker: ReEntry V: Finding my Feet,

    in terms of punching at their weight

    Am picturing someone thudding disconsolately at their spare tire, wondering if maybe they should go back to the gym...

    All this talk of Wellington is reminding me of the time I stayed there, not long after we'd left NYC. I was really homesick for that big city vibe. And I walked out of my sister's apartment into downtown Wgtn on a Saturday night and thought "aaaah, I'm back."

    It's even got a Brooklyn :-) All we need now is some Welling-Fuckin'-Ton T-shirts...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Yeah, having lived through a depression and two world wars did not in any way interfere with my grandmother's being a judgemental bitch.

    Snap! (But the other one, very Catholic, was totally right on. Go figure.)

    So I guess we're left not being able to draw conclusions about individuals on the basis of their age?

    Yeah, true... uh... and some of my best friends are Old People? I swear I had a more subtle point, but my critical acumen is suffering after a week alone with feral young.

    </special pleading>

    I think I was thinking of stories my other grandmother told me about some unique households/families in her extended family; and someone I know whose great-grandfather's marriage options were limited to broom-jumping; and this story which has stuck in my head all the years since I read it; and plenty of other unconventional set-ups... I dunno, it all made sense in my head and linked directly to the universal design idea, which seemed like a nifty analogy for a set of protections any given household might invoke, at least in a world in which "marriage" was not the only or indeed the ultimate sanction of a relationship.

    Or something.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Speaker: ReEntry V: Finding my Feet,

    The inclusion of this stylistic nod means that Auckland is reterritorialised as fairytale America

    And those carnivalesque gates strike me as not just Americana, but American gothic... Ray Bradbury-esque. The only thing missing was a guy in a clown mask wielding a meat cleaver, but perhaps he was busy at his other job, delivering trays of daintily iced pastries.

    I agree with Simon - those brand names really stuck out, in a jarring way. Were they paid placements, do you think?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Nice point, Amy. It's so conventional to pigeonhole those older than us as somehow knowing less than we do, when as you say, they've pretty much seen it all. Likely they have different words for it, but they know what's up.

    Now for some reason I'm thinking about Ursula LeGuin's piece about how a grandmother would make the best interstellar ambassador...

    (And trying to square this in my head with the youth-correlated demographic shift towards not giving a toss about people's sexuality, though. Is it possible if you asked the survey questions in slightly different ways, older people would "mind" less about universal marriage?).

    (Oh, and: I'm using "universal marriage" by analogy with universal design -- not sure the analogy entirely works, but it's a start).

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

  • Busytown: A wee development,

    Blimey, I look away for a second and you're all off having babies. Hooray! Congrats to Paul and family, and I am honoured to have a thread jacked by little Evie Marama and her family. (So honoured, in fact, that there should be another word for it. Storked?)

    Bring on the not-at-all-indulgent sentimentality, and chocolate cigars all round!

    And yes, Uncle Russell, looking forward to that announcements thread for the hatching, matching and (not too much please) dispatching :-)

    In the meantime, my heart does this funny squeezy thing when I hear that someone else's baby has arrived safely

    Me too. I found myself at a party yesterday with two last-minute #3 babies and glowing but exhausted 40-something mums & dads... so lovely, so very tempting, and yet, I kind of like the way I look and feel after a full night's sleep...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Nov 2006 • 1472 posts Report

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