Posts by martinb

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  • Hard News: Environmental league tables…, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Well TVNZ is descended from the folk at the Beeb who taped over or destroyed all those Doctor Who episodes....

    Auckland • Since Jul 2010 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Triangulated by Fools,

    well played.

    Sorry gunna be serious again- had to on the basis of this (maybe there should be a full time website using cricket-based commentary on politics, even better than Paul the Octopus) :

    Martin Crowe gives advice

    Mostly I just want you to decide on who and what you are and what you know, what you bring to international cricket, what you want to give for your country. From the outside, you look dispirited, disjointed and disoriented.

    Wrongly, you are looking outside for the answers. Look within, look in the mirror and ask yourself to stand up and be the men you are. Look within, be honest, strip away the rubbish and focus on what's important and what's really and essentially you.

    Labour should be signing this guy up and getting in a few good net sessions!

    Auckland • Since Jul 2010 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Triangulated by Fools, in reply to Bart Janssen,

    Also though there was the McCullum/Taylor leadership tension Shearer is a loooooong way from proving himself to be Taylor or McCullum-esque in this situation. And Cunliffe is no Boycott.

    I dunno- the contest between batsman and bowler is dictated by the field, tactics, position of the match and the bowler is reliant on the field to get many wickets. Batsman feel under much more pressure at 55/5 than 120/1 and generally speaking anyone putting runs on the board is helping the team. The new games places an emphasis on the speed of scoring.

    how far can we stretch an analogy?

    Auckland • Since Jul 2010 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Triangulated by Fools, in reply to Keir Leslie,

    The Standard actually terrifies me. They appear to be about as reality-based as the US Republicans.

    this intrigues me.

    expand the analogy- where is Tenessee?

    if there’s something as good as this rhetoric would love to see it :
    a thousand years of darkness

    Also agree that analogies could be made between a Clark Labour Party and a Fleming NZ cricket team and both current lots! Though I’m sure Fleming wouldn’t necessarily appreciate it as he had a game of cricket with Key for charity a few years back…

    The balance of the teams, the overall averages, runs on the board and the first class experience of both earlier versions at the moment are much better.

    Also could only think of Helen among Kiwi political leaders who would have the determination and class to do a political equivalent of scoring a big double hundred in Sri Lanka…seems I’ve obviously thought about this waaaay too much!

    Auckland • Since Jul 2010 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Triangulated by Fools,

    I would suggest though that of all the things that were wrong with the Labour Party at the moment having a fired-up membership who know what they want from their party and are-as-mad-as-all-heck isn't one of them, or perhaps isn't in the top ten at least.

    Still there's a-lot-of-watch-this-space left on this one, though it's hard to see what a best case scenario could be for Labour.

    Auckland • Since Jul 2010 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Triangulated by Fools,

    who among the Labour front bench has done their job?

    I mean Cunliffe has been far from impressive in allowing himself to end up in this situation.

    I’m not a Labour member, but it seems from what I’ve read recently that the bulk of them who went to the consultation prefered Cunliffe. Are all members now dismissed as unruly activists?

    Or because there are some loud mouths with inopportune phrases are they- these people who, unlike myself- have actually put their money where their mouth is in the political process tarred by association? They do seem to have some clear positions.

    Cunliffe has gone after Joyce in parliament from what I've seen, on Red Alert and produced at least some good work. I can't think of too many active front benchers who have been getting coverage, compared to, say, the Greens.

    Auckland • Since Jul 2010 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: Triangulated by Fools,

    This blog is beginning to sound like Peter Dunne in a worm debate. A very common sense bunch.

    Auckland • Since Jul 2010 • 206 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Watching World,

    So that arch socialist Bloomberg is making climate change one of his top few issues?

    that blows me away considering how far from important it is on Labour and National's political agenda.

    Auckland • Since Jul 2010 • 206 posts Report

  • OnPoint: H4x0rs and You,

    I guess the terrifying question is if our government departments are so poor on information security and weak on network security, how many attacks have been perpetrated that we simply don’t know about?

    What is likely to be already compromised and by whom? For security or commercial purposes?


    Auckland • Since Jul 2010 • 206 posts Report

  • Cracker: Weapons of Mass Production,

    I remember being there near the train station at New Years when the railroads were delayed by snow. That was a bit of an eye-opener for anyone who might have thought Auckland was a reasonable sized city!

    Auckland • Since Jul 2010 • 206 posts Report

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