Posts by bob daktari

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  • Hard News: Fix up, young men, in reply to James Littlewood*,

    Lately this country feels like it did in the 1970s.

    I am increasingly depressed at the thought that over my adult life nothing seems to have progressed other than inequality.

    In my world there was always an unwritten rule that you looked out for those vulnerable in a crowd (mosh pits etc), protecting them and ensuring that they had as much fun as those larger and more powerful around them - so sorry to see this wasn't the case on Monday

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Jean's Laneway, in reply to Russell Brown,



    I am liking how some of the dance promoters are doing day parties again and how the art gallery is doing daytime events (and of course the music in parks)

    viva the daylight revolution, or something

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Jean's Laneway, in reply to Mike O'Connell,

    some promoters and venues here in Auckland have taken to posting set times the day of the show, usually on Facebook or places like undertheradar and cheeseontoast - doesn't mean they will be early but at the least you know what you're in for

    never enjoyed late shows... bands are bad enough but I really hated it when there was a trend in DJ land the international would start at 4am...

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Jean's Laneway, in reply to George Darroch,

    new content style I would guess now Mr Riddler has exited for NZOA

    The dance show was canned this week, which I find quite upsetting... we've regressed so much on the (quality) electronic music outlets front over such a short time (looking at you b and George)

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Jean's Laneway, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I find the "age appropriate" demographic are at the least happy to indulge us our gig going and generally really welcoming to those of us with more than a few grey hairs - its a pleasant experience, given how ageist entertainment options once were (we're maturing as a nation)

    I do have to sometimes remind myself I'm not the target market and while I tend to be quite critical (understatement) often its all about just having fun not setting a pitchfork reviewers thesaurus on fire

    I do find the standing for long periods increasingly tiresome at gigs, especially for bands that have no groove... always have but my tolerance is much lower than it once was, that's old people talk :)

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Music: All this and some…,

    Bleep is dangerous for your wallet (so so good)... there is also beatport, trackitdown and juno (physical and digital) for the lovers of electronic/dance

    and baboom with its growing but still limited catalog

    like all digital stores you will find geoblocking on parts of catalogue, and the ever present not ideal search function

    as much as the digital market has matured and stores consolidated and grown there is still more music unavailable than available

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Music: All this and some…, in reply to Hugh Wilson,

    awesome concept... grabbing now thank you!

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: A cog in the Mediaworks machine, in reply to Sacha,

    While the fee was abolished - which was a logical step given that the fee paid for radio as well as TV but was only applied to homes with television Sets

    We still pay for the same things and more that used to be covered by the fee directly from taxes was a much easier and more equitable solution I'd suggest, especially if we consider how we consume media now (assuming it would still be attached to a type of device or mode of broadcast)

    We can argue about the ways our taxes are used in media and broadcasting and the funding decisions agencies make but to think we'd have a better system or quality of content generation with a broadcasting fee is a bit silly

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: A cog in the Mediaworks machine,

    the dumbing of commercial news isn't however a uniquely NZ thing, our broadcasters follow global trends - its a commercial media market thing - something the Danes have avoided I guess (lucky sods)

    RNZ's listenership figures more than prove that people do crave and subscribe to insightful and intelligent broadcasting, that doesn't negate the changing manner in which we consume media, especially in a global context nor the business realities faced by media companies

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: A cog in the Mediaworks machine, in reply to Alfie,

    conversely adding to the pool of news talent for your profitable radio assets,which can still be broken off for sale, rationalising staff and the like could be a clever business move - if it saves overheads

    both mediums face the same dilemma, having a model based on appointment viewing/listenership at a time when people are rapidly moving to on demand/streaming/when you want it media - you either try to combat that with quality (RNZ) or economise (mediaworks)

    personally the multiplatform thing I find a complete yawnfest, seems like a solution for a problem no one was having

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

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