Posts by Yoza

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  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    "The vested interests - if we explain the situation by their influence - can only get the public to act as they wish by manipulating public opinion, by playing either uponthe public's indifference, confusions, prejudices, pugnacities or fears. And the only way in which the power of the interests can be undermined and their maneuvers defeated is by bringing home to the public the danger of its indifference, the absurdity of its prejudices, or the hollowness of its fears; by showing that it is indifferent to danger where real danger exists; frightened by dangers which are nonexistent." Sir Norman Angell 1872 - 1967

    It is hard to take seriously the proposition that because Clark, Key or Bush might be assassinated by some nut the rest of society must face greater 'official' scrutiny and intrusion into their private lives. These people, the Clarks, Keys and Bushs , of the world are little more than talking heads reading from carefully prepared scripts (hopelessly in Bushes case). Nobody forced them into public office and if one of them is abducted by aliens, assassinated or spontaneously combusts, there is a little army of like minded individuals crawling over one an other to replace them.

    The real danger is the publics propensity to take these people so seriously that they allow their civil liberties to be eroded so those who exercise control can continually extend their authority. Tama Iti and his sympathisers are less of a danger to society than the global crack-down on political dissent and activism operating under the guise of a 'war on terror'.

    When people are silenced, alienated or face abuse at the hands of state sponsored terror they cease considering the peaceful option. The lesson the police and security intelligence agencies are teaching their targets is in future be more careful.

    If the police/intelligence agencies were as sophisticated or intouch as they would have the public believe there would be no drug dealers, illegal weapons or criminal networks in Aotearoa/New Zealand. They are not and the Tama Iti's and activist networks are easy targets. This whole thing is propaganda, nothing else.

    Wellington • Since Oct 2007 • 12 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    This whole NZ 'anti-terror' campaign is as inept in its execution as the U.S. sponsored 'war on terror' is globally. In both instances real terrorists are not the target and the collective punishment being meted out to the communities, which have the misfortune to inspire the mad fantasies of the security forces persecuting them , will react domestically as they have reacted internationally. As with the U.S.'s 'war on terror' this latest operation conducted by N.Z.'s security apparatus is fueling anti-establishment sentiment rather than suppressing it.

    Realistically those described as the extreme fringe are the greatest beneficiaries of this massive waste of tax-payers money as they have just been handed the moral high-ground by the security forces. I can say, without any doubt, the police paramiltaries have not turned up any substantial terrorist weapons: explosives, grenade launchers etc, because if they had it would be all over the news.

    Wellington • Since Oct 2007 • 12 posts Report

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