Posts by Claret

  • Not Guilty,

    Sorry, the above comment was in relation to the extended Bain family and their opinions of David after the murders.

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 4 posts Report

  • Not Guilty,

    I was once involved in a car accident. The 5 of us were all aged around 20. The 5 different reactions in the car, after we were very nearly killed by an unlicensed, uninsured idiot, still stuns me to this day. When I think about each of us and our personalities, the reactions we each had didn't surprise me. The reactions were 1. calm, flag down other traffic; 2. Give the driver a hug; 3. Stay very quiet; 4. Panic and find self unable to get out of the car (nothing wrong with the door - just a complete freeze and then a bit of hysteria); 5. Anger at the idiot who caused it.

    The point is that everyone reacts differently in a crisis situation, but we don't normally act out of type and anyone who knew us well would be able to reason through our reactions.

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 4 posts Report

  • Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth,

    Thought on balance that John Key was doing well, despite all the back and forward opinions. BUT...just heard him on National Radio's Checkpoint and it seems that the congratulations he has been receiving has gone to his head. He ended up sounding like a belligerent idiot as he demanded that the texts, from the initial Goff allegation, are made public by the complainant, rather than agreeing to a private meeting. Thus the victim is revictimised. Does anyone wonder why women don't race to the police station even when there is unequivocal evidence of rape?

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 4 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Still fuming about this whole Christine Rankin debacle. BUT (no pun intended), the Herald has outdone pretty much everyone with their cartoon today (Herald cartoon)


    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 4 posts Report