Posts by Hugh Good
This has probably been around for a bit, but it's been making me nod my head for the last few days. Haven't heard it in a club, but the bass line would make it a banger. It's got a kind of 90s video game chord intro to it
Jai Paul - Jasmine
They were responsible for a good, albeit inferior cover of the Pavement classic Box Elder. I'd go.
Although I would never vote for the Nats out of principle, I wasn't overwhelmingly negative about them winning the last GE cos thought maybe a fresh perspective, Labours looking a bit tired had a good run etc.
How wrong I was.... they seem so smug n self satisfied and are acting like those idealogues of old. Jesus, it's depressing reading the news.
Around capping rates I think in the UK the Tories want to allow voters in the various boroughs to be able to vote for whether council taxs are increased (which is barking if you ask me) which sounds a bit like this
I feel like flying home and picketing parliment