Posts by Bodie

  • Hard News: Some Monday Things,

    Too many people underestimate Key's political abilities.

    Don Brash nearly won an election so even plonkers can win elections.

    Keys working hard , doing some slog but he's replacing some of the finest politicians in the world and bringing with him some of the worst. He wanted the job , he wanted Clark and Cullen out. He better perform , we lost talent because of that.

    The honeymoon is 4 months old, everyone wants this country to work out, sane people anyway . Look John Key needs to up his game , not so much to win the next election but to deliver all the visionary bollocks he promised us.

    It's hard to get an estimation on someone we know so little about.

    auckland • Since Apr 2009 • 3 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Monday Things,

    It's frankly absurd to think it's KEY that's taking National to defeat. He's probably the only bright light they have - it's his older Ministers that may take them to defeat if they gain true control of the policy agenda.

    The election was just over 4 months ago. The N.Z electorate sees Key saving babies, donating casts and hanging out with traditional non-national groups for warm fuzzy photo ops.

    Remember when John Banks started dressing like Rudi Guli, now every world leaders Obamaed themselves a bit....Crosby Textor aren't stupid.

    Job losses will be the test of this man or he'll lose his job ; and he'll have to sell the west wing of his swimming pool.

    Early days eh?

    auckland • Since Apr 2009 • 3 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Monday Things,

    The Nats won the election by appealing to the middle. I suspect Key knows that if he lets Hide loose it would be political suicide.

    They won by reducing the labour vote by 5% and keeping NZ first out by a voting change of 1%.....

    W.P was forced to run the filthiest and weakest campaign in the history of prominent third parties . 1%.

    Who the hell is the middle? They're just a tiny bunch of floating voters. The real problem is the right wings of both our major parties are out of touch and the army of blue well heeled "joe hockeysticks" cheerleaders that National seem to effortlessly breed in this country.

    Hide is an embarrassment, he is a light entertainer not a fking politician,if there is a opposite word for "vision" it should be attributed to him.

    The Act Party are just full of outrageous and sometimes quite scary lies.Welcome to 2009 ,our governing coalition has a bad joke in it.

    auckland • Since Apr 2009 • 3 posts Report