Posts by Tan Copsey

  • Climate change day of action,

    I imagine things will be rather bigger here in London. We are expecting at least 50 000 (although I think it might be a few more) on the march from the US embassy. Its been an interesting week here - the Stern Report has been front page news all week, the Independent went as far as devoting a whole issue to it. I actually went to the press conference and Stern himself seemed an interesting bloke, although you can't help but feel that the estimates he made were deliberately conservative - and the foreign secretary glowered at him when it was suggested something might actually happen in Nairobi.

    Anyone interested should check out the blogs on openDemocracy ( over the coming weeks - i'll probably blog the march in London on Monday UK time. Whilst we have a man in Nairobi blogging later, inbetween waking the world up to contraction and convergence. Also check out for a bilingual perspective on things - including a bloody interesting interview with Deputy Director of SEPA (in China) Pan Yue on Socialist Ecological Civilisation.

    London • Since Nov 2006 • 1 posts Report