Posts by Michael J. Parry

  • Hard News: UPDATED: Media Take: Election…, in reply to Graeme Edgeler,

    If you see a poster advertising the cover, feel free to complain about that to the Electoral Commission :-)

    Serious question though - when have the police ever actually progressed an Electoral Commission referral to the stage of pressing charges?

    Dannevirke/Wellington • Since Feb 2012 • 9 posts Report

  • Hard News: The crybaby philosopher, in reply to Tom Semmens,

    because Whyte doesn’t deserve the privilege of being taken seriously. The man is a privileged prat right from his hoity toity accent down to his white cracker Matha’s Vinyard preppy dress style.

    Maybe if he actually sounded a bit more like a New Zealander and didn’t look like he had an enormous carrot permanently stuffed up his arse he’d be taken a bit more seriously.

    I’m not going to defend Whyte, because defending the indefensible is mugs game.

    However that is a terrible statement. What the hell does a “New Zealander” look and sound like to you because to me it sounds and looks like anybody from New Zealand. Dismissing someone over their looks and sounds is a bigger mugs game than trying to defend the indefensible.

    Dannevirke/Wellington • Since Feb 2012 • 9 posts Report

  • Up Front: Tomorrow Lives Forever,

    When suddenly the window blew open, and a figure appeared. He was a bald man wearing only underpants and a cape made of curtains.

    "Never fear, I Captain Underpants with Wedgie Power will save you from this torrid literary pretension. For I fight for all that is cottony goodness."

    Dannevirke/Wellington • Since Feb 2012 • 9 posts Report

  • Up Front: Tomorrow Lives Forever,

    Clint’s eyes flashed his focus on taking down his hated enemy.

    Neither he nor Stud noticed the miasmic black ooze that roiled in under the door. Creeping across the floor the ooze inched closer, while the two antagonistic men’s chests heaved as they sort to out-stare each other.

    The substance pooled around their feet and began to climb their legs.

    “O gods, do I have to rescue you again,” Tatiana said from the door, her head shaking in weary exasperation.

    “What,” both Clint and Stud said together.

    “Look down,” Tatiana said.

    “What is it,” gasped Clint clutching at the table in panic while Stud pursed his lips in thought.

    Dannevirke/Wellington • Since Feb 2012 • 9 posts Report

  • Up Front: Oh, Grow Up,

    suddenly realised that I wasn’t the only person who felt like they were faking being a grown-up, and at some point I was going to get called out on it

    Do we ever grow out of that?

    Dannevirke/Wellington • Since Feb 2012 • 9 posts Report

  • Hard News: We ... WHAT!?,

    What was said

    Secretary Clinton and I discussed the broad range of issues in the Asia Pacific region as we look towards the APEC summit in Russia in around 10 days time. New Zealand warmly supports the United States rebalancing towards the Asia Pacific, and we welcome the opportunities to cooperate further. In that context we discussed our ongoing efforts to negotiate alongside a number of other countries a transpacific partnership agreement. Secretary Clinton and I share the goal of securing a high quality, twenty-first century free trade agreement, which would be of significant benefit to all countries involved, indeed to the region as a whole.

    Which is not:

    Secretary Clinton and I discussed the broad range of issues in the Asia Pacific region as we look towards the APEC summit in Russia in around 10 days time. New Zealand warmly supports the United States rebalancing towards the Asia Pacific, and we welcome the opportunity to cooperate with the U.S. in the next conflicts. We discussed our ongoing (inaudible) along side a number of other countries (inaudible) partnership agreement. Secretary Clinton and I share the goal of securing a high quality, (inaudible) free trade agreement, would be a significant (inaudible) countries involved, indeed to the region as a whole.

    It seemed clear to me...

    Dannevirke/Wellington • Since Feb 2012 • 9 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Real Character,

    I was kind of hoping someone would point that out. Yes, she's a terrible character. That's because she's in the Star Wars prequels. Duh.

    Just replace prequels with nothing. Otherwise one might think you were saying there were non-terrible charcters in Star Wars.

    Dannevirke/Wellington • Since Feb 2012 • 9 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Real Character,

    NCIS doesn't really do "kinky" full stop - Abby's look may be pretty Loli-Goth but she's also a rather sweet, insanely smart, fiercely loyal to her team young woman with a hint of a "will they/won't they" vibe going on with another member of the core cast.

    They sort of hint at it but not much (she sleeps in a coffin)..

    Still super plus point for having a young woman who is a total science geek, equally totally dedicated to her job, and still socially functional.

    Yeah I like that bit of her character too.

    Dannevirke/Wellington • Since Feb 2012 • 9 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Real Character,

    I just want them to be believable and real. A character is "strong" if the writer makes me care what happens to them. Which is not strength at all, but depth.

    That's what I aspire to do in my writing. I'll have to book mark this as a reminder when I try and write female characters in my stories. The main female character in my first novel isn't too bad I think, but then she is a female Troll, so um yeah...

    Dannevirke/Wellington • Since Feb 2012 • 9 posts Report