Posts by David Waters

  • Hard News: Aspie On,

    Regarding teaching programing I recently herd an interview with the authers of a book to teach programming, the interview is at
    and the book is at it uses python as the learning lanaguage. It may be worth looking at as a starting point or a text book to work through.

    Hello World!
    Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners
    Warren D. Sande and Carter Sande
    ISBN: 1933988495

    The interviewer says don't be put off by the word kid in the title.

    Since Sep 2008 • 2 posts Report

  • Discussion: On Copyright,

    Wow I'm really quite suprissed at the level of opposition to copy write here. Is this just a case of I break the law it must be a bad law quick justify why it a bad law?

    Copyright is benifitial in creating content we all love. The creater has a right to make a crust of there work.

    There is a lot of debate to be had around the length of copyright, the constant extension of Micky's copyright does not seem right. And it is making less and less sence to base it on someones life spam when so much content is the collaberation of hundreds if not thousounds of people.

    Since Sep 2008 • 2 posts Report