Posts by Sam Buchanan

  • Hard News: Still sounds good,

    Oh, yeah - I'd go for 'Happy Endings' by Bored Games. Authentic teen angst kind of irrelevant social commentary you can dance to. We can carry on we can carry on we can carry on we can carry on we can carry on we can carry on...

    Welly • Since May 2011 • 2 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still sounds good,

    Not wanting to sound as old and grumpy as I am, but last I went to see an old Dunedin band, the audience seemed almost entirely composed of people my age, or worse, considerably younger, who would have been happier sitting at home with a nice warm cup of tea.

    Could all those people, who stand around (unmoving) at gigs looking bored, texting and taking cellphone photos, and in particular, grumbling at anyone who dances and spills their drinks or treads on their (unmoving) toes please stay at home on the night of the Wellington gig?

    Welly • Since May 2011 • 2 posts Report