Posts by Di

  • Hard News: Call it what you like,

    I am Di, Finn's Mum.

    This is more Finn's medium than mine but I have really appreciated the messages left about him.I would however like to present a fuller picture of Finn's death and the part NZ mental health services played in it.

    So what can i say about Finn ? well he was a brilliant son and the most truthful, honest person I have ever met .He was incredibly loyal to those he loved [and they were many],empathised with the vulnerable and the underdog , had an extremely sharp yet compassionate intelligence , was a brilliant drummer and had a wonderful anarchic humour.

    What Finn knew and needed all his life was to control the situations he was in to keep anxiety at bay.
    Whilst appearing calm the prospect of forced detention would have caused Finn great distress . I presented the CATT team with a alternative arrangement for support that would not involve sectioning.It was refused. Although the CATT team considered him in serious personal danger , the prospect of sectioning aggravated an already fragile state of mind , which was confused by prescribed anti-depressants and sleeping pills. They then left my son and his partner .

    Within minutes of their departure Finn too left the house and entered Oriental Bay with the intention of drowning himself.

    When they were informed about this suicide attempt and his subsequent return to home they failed to return to give any assistance. Although at home for almost 3 hours Finn ,realising they would return in time to carry out the threatened enforced detention , ran from the scene and killed himself on Mount Victoria.

    I struggle to understand ,as anything other than gross incompetence, the actions of the CATT team who deciding to section Finn for his personal safety then proceeded to show indifference to that by leaving Finn and Sophie. Had it not been for their actions on February 11th I believe Finn would be with us, receiving support and care for the problems he had been silently carrying for some time.

    The only slim consolation I could take at the time from the proposed action was that Finn would be safe until we could reach him. That was a delusion and we were failed by the CATT team.

    I mourn for Finn because the pain that he feared he would leave, and made him turn several times from suicide, is now devastating so many young lives. His sisters, his partner and his friends.

    Finn was a compassionate, loving and talented man who struggled to cope at times with society but enriched the lives of those he met. He is a loss to a world that desperately needs his qualities.

    Since Mar 2008 • 1 posts Report