Posts by Lilith __

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  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    …and he rested on the seventh day

    Obviously the result of an excellent Union negotiator…


    The Earth:
    sit on it…
    and rotate!


    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to BenWilson,

    28 days is only the sidereal month

    Actually, it’s 27.3 days. Another difficult number.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season,

    I'm not sure if it's opening a can of worms to mention this, but women's menstrual cycles are on average 28 days. Time isn't just about the fertility of plants and animals, but also our own.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    7 is a quarter of 28, and therefore a convenient breaking-up of the cycle of the moon

    The lunar cycle is actually 29.5 days, so it doesn’t break evenly. The Romans had months alternating 29 and 30 days, but that doesn’t quite fit evenly into the solar year either. In the time of the Roman Republic weeks were 8 days long, but this proved even more awkward, and they eventually went back to 7 days, as the Jews and Babylonians had before them.

    I rather like that the solar year doesn’t break down into an even number of solar days, etc. Nature’s not simple. :-)

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to BenWilson,

    I came up with several suggestions already.

    Where? What are they? Sincerely puzzled.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to BenWilson,

    If you can’t even consider what life might be like with a different system, then sure, don’t have a discussion about it. Let tradition dictate not only the way you work, but also the way you think. Personally, I like to consider how things could be different sometimes.

    If you come up with a new way, then perhaps we can discuss it.

    Not sure why you'd think I was a traditionalist, in anything. But I don't see why this particular thing needs changing.

    And I don't like being patronised, thanks. If you want to convince me of something, make a decent argument for it.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to BenWilson,

    I’m discussing rationalizing the calendar. Explaining it was already done. “Because History”, which is incidentally also an explanation for sexism.

    Yeah the calendar's just like sexism. Obvs.

    If you subtract electric light from our lives, moon phases become a very obvious marker for time passing. I don't think the 12-month year and 7-day week are hurting anyone, are they?

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to BenWilson,

    So why bother with the moon?

    It's the basis of our months. And our week is the lunar cycle/4, plus a remainder. You may not wish to bother, but our ancestors did. :-)

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: History, motherfuckers,

    This might be a good place to remind people of the very talented Flip Grater, who’s also overseas performing just now:

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to Ross Mason,

    it didn’t take much to divide that by two and get the solstices

    equinoxes. :-)
    Also - equal duration of night and day.

    Dunedin • Since Jul 2010 • 3895 posts Report

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