Posts by Neil Morrison

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  • OnPoint: Election 2011: GO!,

    The mixed ownership model works well for Air NZ so I don't have a problem with looking at extending this to the power companies. I think Key has made a resaonble case for considering it at least.

    I don't think the housing investment analogy sheds much light but if one could sell an asset and not only reduce debt, re-invest but lower, or at least stop any increase, in ones interest rate then that makes for a stronger argument.

    Which is part of Key's argument. We have a high level of debt and sooner or later we will have to deal with that or pay higher interest rates.

    Since Nov 2006 • 932 posts Report

  • Muse: The High Aesthetic Line,

    It is fascinating how different directors direct actors.

    Woody Allen doesn't have rehersals and often the first time an actor sees their lines is on set. That's a lot to do with having a brilliant casting agent and fits with the "I hired you so I don't have to tell you your job" approach. He also does a lot of re-shoots.

    Bresson tended not to use professional actors and rehersals often amounted to endless repetitions of one line with no talk about "motivation".

    Fellini had actors repeat numbers with the dialogue to be post-synched.

    I'd say all three have gotten brilliant performances with Fellini and Bresson in particluar being able to make a film that is a film and yet not a film.

    Since Nov 2006 • 932 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Open Thread 2:…, in reply to Gareth Ward,

    Palin claims that acts of monstreous criminality begin and end with the individual and have nothing to do with the state.

    she's making the exact opposite mistake that some of her critics are making.

    Since Nov 2006 • 932 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Open Thread 2:…,

    I'd say Loughner had more in common with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold than McVeigh. No coherent political view but huge sense of entitlement and aggrievement.

    Since Nov 2006 • 932 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Open Thread 2:…,

    The initial rush to judgement was i think both wrong - since it was not based on fact - and potentially counter productive. Palin gets to play the martyre, her favourite role.

    However Palin has chosen to sqander the moral high ground so quickly given to her and go for engerising her base. As if they need it. No attempt ot reach out to the middle ground. I can only hope her base can't get her anywhere near the White House.

    Since Nov 2006 • 932 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Open Thread 2:…,

    And as for liberal commentator Keith Olbermann, he now thinks it's a good time to apologise for threatening violence against Hillary Clinton. Now, after 3 years. It was ok back then, wrong now. Maybe it was actually wong back then, there were a few people that said that.

    Since Nov 2006 • 932 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Open Thread 2:…,

    And what was he calling for people to do about it?

    I undertsand that the bullseye reference from Kos was meant to be metaphorical but apparently there are those, and here that would be liberal readers of Kos, who are nutty or wacko enough to go out and shoot someone.

    Since Nov 2006 • 932 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Open Thread 2:…, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    I'm not exactly convinced by Michelle Malkin...

    I wouldn't be either but it's still there on the DLC site replete with "Behind Enemy Lines".

    As for Kos, how quickly things change. Back in 2008 it was him who was accusing Giffords of selling out the constitution and deserving a bullseye. Glad we all now think that's not a good thing to be alleging. All accept for Lougher that is.

    Since Nov 2006 • 932 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Open Thread 2:…,

    oops, she defended Timothy McVeigh as well. Still, she got the Unabomber off the death penalty.

    Since Nov 2006 • 932 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Open Thread 2:…, in reply to Sacha,

    cheers Sacha, that's appreciated. My wife comes back tomorrow and there's work commitments so I won't have the luxury of extented engagements here.

    On an anti-death penalty note, I see the defense attorney Lougher has been assigned is very good at getting people off the death penalty.

    Lougher's mug shot shows he's still very pleased with himself, far better he lives to be a lonely sad old man like Manson has and Chapman will be.

    Since Nov 2006 • 932 posts Report

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