Posts by anjum rahman

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  • Southerly: Late for What?,

    I've asked this question a couple of times, because I refuse to use a title as much as possible. It seems several data entry programs have 'title' as a required field. The person entering your information can't send the form unless they have something in that field.

    So, there's another thing programmers are to blame for

    well then, it's our solemn, honour-bound & very feminist duty to come up with a gender-neutral title. personally, i'm happy to be called "dr" though thoroughly undeserved. "prof" would do just as nicely. in fact i believe we had an interesting discussion on titles arising from a discussion about "bishop" tamaki, but most of those didn't seem to have a convenient short form.

    so there's some homework over the long weekend - a short, snappy and easily agreed upon gender-neutral title that will piss off neither males nor females. BTW does porter shorten to "pr"?

    hamilton • Since Nov 2006 • 130 posts Report

  • Southerly: Late for What?,

    I confess, I thought you were a guy at first. To my pakeha brain "Anjum" sounded like it'd be a guy's name, I don't know why.

    well, just to make matters a bit more confusing, anjum is a name that is commonly used by both males and females... when i say commonly, i mean in south asian countries of course!

    but i just wonder, if people don't know for sure, why do they put "mr" instead of leaving you without a title? i'd prefer a "dear anjum" to a "dear mr rahman".

    hamilton • Since Nov 2006 • 130 posts Report

  • Southerly: Late for What?,

    i keep a list of all the names people have called me over the years, which include eugene, angela, angie, andrum, angelique, anyun and more. this even though i always say my name slowly & clearly. and i hate that people who haven't spoken to me will use "mr" when they write to me. why do they assume i'm male? do they think women are less insulted at being called males than males are at being called female????

    oh, and congratulations from me as well. i remember being invited by a friend of mine to her 2-year old's birthday party, back when i was childless. it was the most awful experience, with noisy kids, food spillages, and parents who had nothing else to talk about except their own kids. yes, definitely boring! but then i had my own & absolutely fell in love with them. sigh.

    i still believe though, that God sends us children to punish us for the misery we caused to our parents...

    hamilton • Since Nov 2006 • 130 posts Report

  • Island Life: Now roll over and beg,

    i heard a very argument against the notion that people opt out and i'm trying to remember what it is. forgive me if i get it wrong.

    the issue is around informed consent, and that consent should be given at the time of the procedure. people give consent to things then change their mind later. if you use the opt out option, they might be too young or never have given significant thought to the matter to give informed consent before they die. the only way to get proper informed consent is to have family members make the decision at the time.

    i'm sure it all sounded better when i heard it. i'm sure some select committee considered this issue last year.

    hamilton • Since Nov 2006 • 130 posts Report

  • Hard News: Brown bigots etc.,

    i note one of the articles related to the hindu conference is headed "muslim anger over prime minister's hinud meeting". just reading that made me furious. the writers obviously haven't figured out that sapna isn't a muslim - in fact i believe she identifies herself as hindu. there has been no outrage that i have heard of from the muslim population. i did respond on AEN regarding my concerns if the issues sapna's raised were correct, but it was hardly outrage. i'm not aware of any other muslims making any public comments about this issue at all. certainly haven't heard any muslim question whether the PM should have opened the conference or not. not sure what this "religious intelligence" outfit is, but for them to treat sapna's comments as representative of the views of the muslim community and to create the impression that whole muslim community is up in arms about the conference is more than ignorance, it is inflammatory.

    hamilton • Since Nov 2006 • 130 posts Report

  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    mind you, I was well served for female company before I bought it, so the hubcaps weren't such a matter of urgency.

    i hate to break this to you guys, but no female is going to go out with you because of the size (or shape or shininess) of your hubcaps...

    hamilton • Since Nov 2006 • 130 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Spoonfuls of sugar,

    "As a self-employed contractor it seems to be making it more and more tempting to setup my own company, because really, having the difference between everything I earn over $60k go from 6% to 9% is just getting to the point where I'd be silly not to."

    it's not quite so simple. once you're business is in the company, it's not that easy getting cash out. it's ok up to the point that you withdraw cash to cover the initial assets you put into the business (which could take many years depending on how much you initially put in and how quickly you take it out). once you've repaid yourself for that, the options are limited.

    if you take out heaps of cash while leaving most of the taxable income in the company (to take advantage of the lower tax rate) you will end up owing the company heaps of money. the IRD requires you to pay interest on any money you owe the company (under FBT rules), which increases the income of the company - cancelling out the benefit of a reduced tax rate.

    you can solve problem by paying yourself a dividend or a salary from the company, which then goes on your personal tax return. if that's over $38,000, then bingo, you pay 33% or 39%, depending on your personal tax rate, again cancelling out the benefit of the reduced tax rate.

    you only get the benefits of the of the reduced company tax rate IF YOU REINVEST THE TAX SAVINGS INTO THE BUSINESS, which is of course good for productivity, the economy etc etc.

    hamilton • Since Nov 2006 • 130 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    "The readership is high possibly because of all the free copies they distribute. I see it at dentists, doctors, and takeaway bars everywhere."

    so how about, next time you see one in such a situation, how about you take it away and put it in the recycling bin? i'll promise to do the same... unless this can be proven as theft? is it theft if you throw a way a free copy?

    hamilton • Since Nov 2006 • 130 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    russell, in the unlikely event that mr wishart does sue you, i will happily chip in for legal fees (as, i expect, would many others throughout the country). i would enjoy having him being put on the stand, and having some digging around & exposure of his journalistic methods (or should i say "methods", che?).

    however, i understand that the costs of legal action are more than just financial, and certainly don't wish this kind of unpleasantness comes your way.

    hamilton • Since Nov 2006 • 130 posts Report

  • Hard News: The People's Choice,

    i agree with that - he probably had a sleepless night, and was not at his best. being on the receiving end of a wishart investigation would probably leave one feeling rather sick.

    hamilton • Since Nov 2006 • 130 posts Report

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