Posts by Finn Higgins

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  • "The Terrorism Files",

    According to press reports, the hikoi is organised and headed by Taiarahia Black, who is a full professor and head of the Maori Dept at Massey University PN. The knee-jerk, bigoted and outright offensive remark above demonstrates just how effective the Dom's press coverage is at demonising and trivialising sincere efforts of public protest by the likes of Prof. Black.

    My partner went down to have a look at the protests at lunchtime. I got two texts.

    "Going to look at protesters"

    "Fuck they're scary"

    She doesn't work for the Dom Post.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 209 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Thats right Finn, how dare anyone ever compare anything that happens in NZ to an event overseas.

    You didn't compare anything or demonstrate any connections or points of similarity, you merely picked an event that already matched your view of the world and used that to draw conclusions about NZ. Again, what in my stupid 9/11 analogy was more fatuous than your comment?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 209 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Sonic, I'm not comparing the situation here to September 11th. I'm pointing out to you how intellectually lazy it is to pick a random happening from overseas and then assuming that because "all people like that are like that" it's the same in NZ.

    In other words, you're seeing irony that is not there. I'm merely showing you your exact argument used by a perspective you don't already agree with.

    If you don't like it that's fine, it's your argument - not mine.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 209 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Thats how the secret state operates, I see no reason it is not the same in NZ.

    Great argument! Let's try the other perspective. The individuals who killed some 3,000 people on September 11th just took a few flying lessons (without caring how they landed), bought some box cutters and talked about killing Americans. That's how terrorists operate, I see no reason it is not the same in NZ.

    Seriously, do you really not see how intellectually lazy that assumption is?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 209 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    it's just talk though, no one did anything

    Well, y'know, nothing except buying guns, having regular meetings in secret locations, simulating police interrogations and practicing with live ammunition. Just the usual stuff.

    you're white, middle class in your 40's, uni educated and probably christian. You don't have many non white friends, poor friends, young friends or stupid friends, maybe you don't have any at all and are looking to apply your set of standards and morals on others while disapproving of those whose standards and morals differ

    Thanks, that was a good lunchtime giggle! Want to come over to my middle-class BBQ on the weekend where myself and my blonde, blue-eyed children will be storming a model of parliament and detonating mock backpack bombs?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 209 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Do you really think that a reasonable reaction to a small group of people mouthing off is to blockade a whole town?

    Again, you're trivialising the available evidence while talking up accusations about police behavior during the Ruatoki raid. They had people "mouthing off" while backing up that talk with specific associated action. If your neighbour gets into a fight with you and says "I'm going to burn your fucking house down" you might not actually have good cause to believe something said in the heat of the moment is a specific planned threat. But if you see him walking back to his property and coming back out with a petrol can then you probably have good cause to consider his behavior threatening, no?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 209 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    Were they? thats the point.

    If the police had good reason to believe they were then the response is still what I would expect to see. And frankly, if that's "just a bit of wild talk" to you then I don't approve of the standards of behavior you're willing to accept from people around you.

    You're drawing all kinds of conclusions about paid informants etc etc with absolutely zero evidence, yet being totally unwilling to discuss the rather obvious issue that these people were discussing racially motivated murder. Do you really want to be seeking justification for that?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 209 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    I thought long and hard before I used the verb "terrorise". But what else would you call a pre-dawn raid by fully armed, armoured and masked people?

    A reasonable reaction to people arming, training and talking seriously about killing innocent people?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 209 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    So let's suspend our condemnation...


    But we do have one fact. The police were willing to blockade a whole town, and terrorise the inhabitants indiscriminately, based on the words and actions of a few.

    Do you plan on actually doing what you're suggesting?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 209 posts Report

  • "The Terrorism Files",

    oh right, just seems like more waste of time net shit talk to me...

    Feel free to close your browser at any time.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 209 posts Report

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