Posts by Alfie

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  • Field Theory: It's about time,


    Team photo - 2015 All Blacks

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Field Theory: It's about time,

    Back on election day I expressed disappointment when Izzy Dagg and Jonah Lomu actively promoted the Nats via Twitter and was pilloried by some PAS posters for suggesting that ABs shouldn't have an opinion.

    Ignoring the fact that they were breaking electoral law, it disgusted me that in the immediate aftermath of Dirty Politics, some ABs were publicly declaring support for the very team that had just been found guilty of match fixing. Their action was at odds with the fair play image the ABs try hard to promote.

    By allowing Brand Key to politicise the ABs, the NZRU is alienating previously loyal supporters. I posted the other day how Key's overly-close association with the ABs diminished my passion for the team, and that's certainly spilled over into this RWC. In the past I would never miss an ABs game, but I didn't watch the ABs v Namibia this morning.

    My heart's just not in it anymore.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: NZME and you,


    From today's Herald.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: On youthful indiscretions, in reply to Steve Barnes,

    suppose we should be grateful we have a Prime Minister who avoids pork then?

    Are you saying he’s more of a sheep guy, Steve?

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: On youthful indiscretions, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    You can understand how Cameron might be a bit leery of suing.

    If a similar thing happened in this country, involving the PM and a sheep for example, I reckon our news media would concentrate on the PM calling in expensive lawyers and threatening to sue anyone who republished the "scurrilous allegations". That would tie the thing up in court for several years, until one party was happily retired in Hawaii.

    Or else the sheep would receive a payoff and deny the whole thing.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: On youthful indiscretions, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    And when did you stop beating your wife, Alfie?

    I'm not Prime Minister, Craig.

    While Ashcroft has deep pockets, if the pig story was really just an elaborate fabrication, the libel payout would be enormous. Do you really think the good Lord and his publishers would set themselves up in that way? I don't.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: On youthful indiscretions, in reply to kiwiwolf,

    Just look at the muck that has been thrown at Jeremy Corbyn by Camorons right wing extremist supporters.

    And they called Corbyn a trot!


    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: On youthful indiscretions,

    Wouldn't you know it... I've been posting in the wrong thread. Many people might see this as youthful indiscretion, but it is relevant because it highlights the superior attitude of the born-to-rule Tory ruling class in so many ways.

    Nobody gives a damn if Cameron smoked dope in his youth, or even if he snorted the odd line at parties. But his government's attitude towards others who do, particularly if they're poor and/or black, reeks of insincerity. Which begs the question, do bestiality and necrophilia trump hypocrisy?

    The business with the pig may well have political overtones and be motivated by revenge, but Cameron certainly hasn't denied it. At the risk of repeating myself, here's a line I posted in the other thread.

    Crosby Textor's usual tactic of using distraction doesn't seem to be working in this case. As one Guardian poster said, 'The problem with the "Look, over there!" tactic is that it doesn't work when the Prime Minister is over there fucking a pig.'

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    As expected, the official line so far has been "no comment". The PM's spokeswoman said they "do not intend to dignify the book by offering any comment." And "The Prime Minister is focused on getting on with the job of running the country.”

    But the job of running the country is made more difficult when the world is laughing at you. And it's not just the media. The Dewsbury Conservative Association announced they were cancelling a pig-racing event planned for next month. The official UK Pizza Hut Twitter account posted, "Don't worry @David_Cameron we all go through peaks and troughs #piggate." Even Time Magazine is asking, "So did Cameron go the whole hog, so to speak?"

    Crosby Textor's usual tactic of using distraction doesn't seem to be working in this case. As one Guardian poster said, 'The problem with the "Look, over there!" tactic is that it doesn't work when the Prime Minister is over there fucking a pig.'

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    Pork barrel politics.

    Dunedin • Since May 2014 • 1440 posts Report

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