Posts by Amanda Wreckonwith

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  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Dastardly Bounder,

    akin to saying there’s no been no good music since the ‘insert decade here’.

    Sums up my thinking entirely.

    Since Sep 2012 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Russell Brown,

    And there goes my rates bill up 10%

    And mine is likely to go down quite substantially. One of the joys of living in one of the few areas with declining CV's.
    Another joy is not having to endure those interminable dinner conversations with avaricious bores comparing how well they are faring in the Western Bays property market.

    Since Sep 2012 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Russell Brown,

    easily take it over a million.

    This is one of the problems with the free market approach to trying to get more affordable housing.

    Developers look for property in rezoned areas. The land value rockets. Any house built on the land is too highly priced to make a difference.

    If we are to get truly affordable housing then there should be some form of state intervention into the market.
    Maybe Housing New Zealand could be made exempt from zoning rules and so buy land at the current market price prior to subdivision approval, rather than competing in the same market as the free market speculators?

    Since Sep 2012 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Jack Harrison,

    Address Auckland 2014 please.

    Likely to be somewhere around Howick or Cockle Bay. Need more detail to be sure.

    Since Sep 2012 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Jim Cathcart,

    However, it would be good to see people who build new houses to not have to pay capital gains considering the upfront development costs that Auckland City Council reams them for.

    That hardly seems a coherent tax policy - central government lets people off a tax because local government imposes costs on them? Sounds like more manipulation to me.
    If you don't like capital gains tax then just say so - there are more valid reasons than the ones you give.
    Not that I agree with them ;-)

    Since Sep 2012 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Jim Cathcart,

    Well, you probably need to appreciate that negative gearing doesn’t require that much creativity and it’s mot definitely not reserved for the upper-income earners. It’s definitely of more benefit to the mid-income earners who are close to or have paid off the family home and want to build their property investment empire.

    Oh those ill gotten gains - lets tax them. Capital idea old chap.

    Since Sep 2012 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Jim Cathcart,

    I can tell you that Unilever’s sales are down 20% in Q3,

    So much for cleaning up corruption then ;-)

    Since Sep 2012 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Jack Harrison,

    You can’t engineer society because we are still discovering it.

    Come on Jack - a while ago you were proposing centrally planned social engineering on a massive scale with your plans to push people into high rises to be built in Epsom at your decree... Nicolae Ceaușescu is not your friend.

    Since Sep 2012 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to nzlemming,

    Why don’t you take your barely-coded “Yellow Peril” racism and peddle it on Slater’s site?

    Well there was a qualifier in that sentence. Just as there would be if I applied it to the current residents of the suburb who, as Sofie pointed out, may be equally guilty of 'bending the rules' (and yes I do take a dim view on tax 'minimisation' by those fortunate enough to have creative accountants).
    If shouting out 'racist' gets you off then you go for it. With gusto.

    Since Sep 2012 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Jack Harrison,

    Auckland would be fucked without a University

    Probably. That would be the general consensus no doubt. Is it worth a try though? Could social engineering be easier than civil engineering?

    Since Sep 2012 • 171 posts Report

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