Posts by Rob Hosking

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  • Hard News: Denial,

    So, I made the right decision to turn the radio to Concert FM as soon as Sean began to introduce Big Willie?

    Wrong Decision.

    You missed the coverage of the Led Zep reunion. Plunket got enthused, Geoff got bemused (said after prompting he'd heard of Stairway to Heaven, but couldn't quite place it...yeah he was playing up the fogey thing a bit).

    And they played a decent burst of 'Whole Lotta Love'. On Nat Rad news. (Just hope they sent Willie Dixon a royalty cheque)

    It must be Christmas.

    Seriously though: I think its Rickards' sense of entitlement I find hard to understand. He slagged of the Police, the justice system, and said a couple of convicted rapists should not be in prison, all on the steps of a courtroom with the cameras and microphones running, and he still thinks it should have been possible for him to hold a senior position in the Police?

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mighty Indeed,

    Few follow up notes:

    The Tour: the Gisborne game was the first. It was my last year at school and I was one of only two blokes in the 7th Form who thought the Tour should not go ahead.

    A mate who had a brother at AK Uni reckoned a bunch of protesters and rugby supporters went down to Gisborne on the same bus: at that stage the issue, although tense, still allowed that sort of thing.

    The Hamilton non-game ended all that. It was an awful time: twice a week the country would brace itself for the crash of the next game.

    The Blams... from memory their first recorded version of Dr Who was on a B side - I think to 'Marsha'.

    And on the Screaming MeeMees: 'See Me Go' isn't the only MeeMee song being used in an ad at the moment. There's a bit of 'Sunday Boys' - the 'Way - o-O Wayo, Way-o-O (dada dada dada dada)' bit (people who know the song will know the bit I mean) played by brass instruments in some ad. Can't remember what for.

    Its been bugging me for months, because I've heard it and thought 'dammit I know that tune'.

    Coming back from the toddler's swimming lesson this morning the pre-decimalisaton copper coin finally obeyed the gravitational imperative....

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mighty Indeed,

    Does that mean you're excitable, don't tire easily, are smart but easily distracted by nice smells, start howling if left alone for any length of time and have a tendency to go to fat?

    And are useful for medical experiments on smoking.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mighty Indeed,

    BTW: Sigh ... Why are Wellington bars so much better than Auckland bars, on average? My good-bars-in-Auckland conversation tends to run out at the Wine Cellar and Family ...

    It's the people, Russell.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mighty Indeed,

    Screaming Meemees' 'See Me Go'?
    (Which, BTW, you may soon be hearing in a version style ...)

    Yeah. Told you it wasn't that hard....

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mighty Indeed,

    Was it Head Like A Hole with "Fish Across Face"?

    Ahh, Muldoon era, folks.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mighty Indeed,

    I'd have picked the 1480 Kruzers being something to do with Radio Hauraki - its where the station was on the AM dial.

    Own fault, I know, but I am a tad envious reading these posts...I was invited, and I love trivia quizzes, and the Blams were the first band I ever saw live, back at Welly Polytech in '82.... but even if I'd gone I'd have folded by about 9pm.

    Here's a question you may have had: which NZ band had a song go to number one the first week of release with no commercial radio airplay?

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mighty Indeed,

    There were in fact two pies in the famous SIS briefcase.

    One of the reporters who was involved in the story, the late Fraser Folster, confessed to another journo, just before he died earlier this year, that one of the pies was still warm and he was hungry.

    I have a horrible feeling the 1980s song sung in 2002 was 'Ebony and Ivory'.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Clamour to Cringe,

    Literally hanging out for the last day of school.

    'Literally'?? (see discussion on 'Word of the Year' thread.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

  • Hard News: Farce About,


    Yeah, there was no punchline. They meant every word, every over-dramatic sweep of the violins...

    It was a big hit when I was six. Won the Eurovision song contest, got a ton of airplay in NZ (in those days it was a ton, too, not a tonne)......the reason it was on my mind is I had a Sinead O'Connor collection out from the library and she did a version of it with Terry Hall (ex Specials/ FunBoyThree/Colourfield). They do it very deadpan. It's also on Youtube, I love their version, they are so obviously taking the piss.

    South Roseneath • Since Nov 2006 • 830 posts Report

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