Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: Fabrication and humanity,

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fabrication and humanity,

    And if it doesn't, just think what closing the Auckland motorway so that Bush doesn't get stuck in traffic on his way to the airport would do...

    I thought this was done when President Clinton arrived?
    But then again, it was a Saturday ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fabrication and humanity,

    As for Panah: why didn't he just do what the Russians and the Turks do? Find a Kiwi girl, seduce her, marry her, and leave her once residency is confirmed?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fabrication and humanity,

    Sydney goes into lockdown

    Not really, Sydney is a big place and only a small part is being sealed off. It would be the same as saying Auckland was in lockdown when in fact only the Viaduct area was closed. But yes, the media have latched on to this word Lockdown.
    I expect (some of) the protest action to get nasty, although they will be hammered by the security forces.
    I was in Melbourne in 2000 and joined in the protest (against the WEF). There's something about being told where you can and can't go that rankles, and it's exacerbated when you see just how much money they've spent (and the measures taken) to ensure you do. So you can't help but think it's your duty to rark 'em up and push the envelope. Not that I was stupid enough to get my head cracked.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: Medium blog whisperer,

    Crikey! We supposedly live in a digital age, and one would presume PAS ppl would lead the charge, but no, here we are discussing what we watched on telly last nite. Thanks for the spoiler JP, I hadn't watched it yet!

    But seriously ... I did switch over right at the end to discover that OF was running over time and my HDD recorder missed the gripping final minute. I wonder how many of the other 7 episodes have been short-recorded also? (I've been saving them up for a rainy day/flu).

    I already know the same thing has happened with Rescue Me because TV1 keep changing the start time very few weeks by 5 minutes or so. What's up with these freaking networks? Can't they run to schedule? If they're not running over time, they're starting the show early (so you miss recording the first minute).

    Seriously, who do I hunt down and kill, and would it make a difference? I've tried recording an extra few minutes but it makes no freaking difference. Seriously, who do I hunt down and kill, and would it make a difference? Seriously, who do I hunt down and kill? Seriously, who do I kill?
    Kill. Kill. Kill.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not Okay,

    I don't think Kyle was making it a gender issue Craig. The only thing Kyle is guilty of is overstating Clark's stature abroad! She didn't even get a shout-out from Hillary Clinton on Letterman (which surely proves they're both Lesbians, right? a global dykeocracy is a comin'!!)

    But seriously .... Clark's international stature will probably be more apparent once she leaves office. ie after the next election. I predict she'll be more successful than Moore. Much more.

    Oh yes ... Shipley was elected by her caucus to roll Bolger, so she should get some props too ...?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Stories: Endings,

    I got to sleep with his young wife

    Ewww....that's the kind of thing best kept to oneself, as in too much information!

    Forever tainted by Rai Hai...

    Er ... not enough information perhaps Michael. I'm not above a little mischief (I was going to 'fess up sooner, but to do so after Sam's post seemed inappropriate).

    Yes, I slept with Rainton's wife. As in: "zzzzzzzzz". We'd taken a gaggle of strippers on 'Tour' up North and I got the privilege of sharing a room with Tara (Rainton doesn't tour, and he was too cheap to give me or his own wife our own rooms). After giving Whangarei a taste of Las Vegas we retired to our rooms for some drinking. Finally it was time to bed. It was nerve-racking.

    Tara was an attractive young women with a body fit from dancing. And I'd seen her naked from various angles. And she had been flirting with me. And now it was. Time. For. Bed.

    Had she really propositioned me or was she just making mischief? How does one reject 'the gangsters moll'? Is it an affront to her? Is it an affront to her husband?

    I decided she was just teasing and her husband might actually damage me significantly if I did anyway (and found out - and he would; probably from her). So I rolled over and. Fell. Asleep.

    When Tara eventually left Rainton it was into the arms of one of his rivals. Being out of his employ by that time I have no idea how he reacted. My guess is he would have used it to his advantage. Someone might have been 'taxed'.

    But I digress ... back to the topic folks.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not Okay,

    It's a well recognised convention in the USA that a former President never criticises a sitting President.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Stories: Endings,

    don't you just lurve the new 20kg allowances? We got pinged by EasyJet for 'excess baggage' that cost more than the three seats we'd bought.

    Anyway, an ending to Bastards I Have Known:
    I started working for Rainton Haistie (in the mid 80's) because I had lost my life savings and I saw it as an opportunity to earn a lot of money fast. So I set a goal of how much money I wanted and the day I reached it, I quit. I took a lot of pride in that because once you get inside that business there are many temptations (I got to sleep with his young wife) and it's easy to be seduced to the dark side. Very easy.
    It might seem like a small thing to be proud of (leaving when I did) but for most people that industry is like that lyric from Hotel Calfifornia: 'You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave'.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not Okay,

    I've got not problem with Mike Moore expressing his opinions, it's no worse than what happens here every other day. I'd be interested in hearing some sane reasons why he should STFU. But RB's characterisation is apt:

    I think Moore sees himself as the after-dinner raconteur, when he's actually more like the embarrassing uncle at the wedding.

    The Uncle at our wedding made a speech based around the use of the word 'Gay' - what it originally meant and what it now means.
    We kept waiting for a punchline but there was none.
    He wasn't drunk but we were confused!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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