Posts by ChrisW

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  • Capture: Flash Cars, in reply to Jonathan Ganley,


    A more colourful ...

    Gisborne • Since Apr 2009 • 851 posts Report

  • Capture: Colour is the new black,


    ... in its natural habitat.

    Gisborne • Since Apr 2009 • 851 posts Report

  • Capture: Colour is the new black, in reply to Venetia King,


    Wellington pohutukawa ...

    Gisborne • Since Apr 2009 • 851 posts Report

  • Capture: Flash Cars,


    And relevelled and closer in, royal consort two paces back and various other shady characters. Is that a real huia feather in hair of attendant outside the gate? Was the Quuen's limousine's radio aerial a match for the cop's?

    Gisborne • Since Apr 2009 • 851 posts Report

  • Capture: Flash Cars,


    What we were waiting for - shot across the bows of an even flasher black car as the Queen emerges through carved gateway of Guide Rangi's place.

    Gisborne • Since Apr 2009 • 851 posts Report

  • Capture: Flash Cars,


    Flash black car - Mark 1 Zephyr 6 in Fenton St, Rotorua, January 1954 - the badge of office of head cop leading the entourage for Queen Elizabeth II. Rephotographed from contact print from my mother's Box Brownie. She saw flash cars parked by the road, realised from her local knowledge they were waiting outside Guide Rangi's house, the Queen was in town with nothing on the official programme but it was lunchtime - we stopped to await developments.

    My Dad stands at right, proudly erect as befitting the owner of a new 3-cylinder Bradford van, unlike the other gents abasing themselves before the Mark 1. It's very shiny, and thereby hangs a tale. Family legend states that I, at the age of 18 months, got a little restless waiting for who knew what and threw a stone that hit said shiny car, and the cop said in gruff but suitably tolerant voice, "Oi! I spent all morning polishing this car!"

    For all that, Mum captioned it "Pohutu Geyser plays for the Queen".

    Gisborne • Since Apr 2009 • 851 posts Report

  • Capture: Colour is the new black,


    Crock, family, walnut generations,
    shards of life the universe and all
    on my doorstep ...

    Gisborne • Since Apr 2009 • 851 posts Report

  • Capture: Colour is the new black,


    So much good stuff here it's taken a long time to catch up, so many I might respond to, but here's one for a sea horizon in clear southern light - the crowded roofs of South Dunedin from Eglinton Rd Mornington outside my daughter's place two weeks ago. I like it that the road disappears over its own curving horizon too.

    Gisborne • Since Apr 2009 • 851 posts Report

  • Capture: Christchurch: Last One Standing, in reply to Alex Efimoff,


    Christchurch CBD from above?
    Saw it from much further above, 20 November from 737 en route Wellington to Dunedin. I've been ambivalent about visiting Chch, cycled it much in the 1970s, don't want to slip through for superficial impressions, haven't yet found good cause for a full immersion. So this distant encounter with the CBD when skipping over it a surprise, and surprisingly moving through the power of a good zoom lens and clear window - that already the buildings stand isolated amid the broad bare expanses demolished, yet so much more to come down.

    Gisborne • Since Apr 2009 • 851 posts Report

  • Southerly: Tower Insurance Have Some Bad…, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    While I don't believe that your connecting Ford and Radley's call for greater openness on the discussion of seismic data with the Ken Ring fringe was intentionally snide, it's hardly justified by even a casual reading of their submission.

    Sorry, Joe - no connection of the Ken Ring fringe with the significant Ford/Radley submission implied, certainly not intentionally. My Ken Ring reference was instead in connection with the NZHerald fringe.

    Gisborne • Since Apr 2009 • 851 posts Report

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