Posts by Lyndon Hood

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  • Up Front: The Missus,

    So Titus 2 is the prequel to Titus Andronicus then?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1115 posts Report

  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    Hopefully that works - I understand you just write the address of the video...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1115 posts Report

  • Up Front: Will Work for Foo,

    the ability to pass the executive seamlessly, watching for who has the good idea

    That's fair, though not how I'd have put it (even if you're deliberately letting someone else lead, you end up making a big contribution - being actually forced to run a scene on your own is agony). And even what you describe does sound like a collaborative process to me.

    But there is a fair quantity of very much group-devised work done. It can be vibrant, various and often incoherent. Partly because of the process but also because it's mostly done by students or community/political types.

    I think of even the more compartmentalised jobs of a standard heirachy as part of a scale. At the very least, it helps if everyone thinks they're making a creative contribution. And mostly they are doing creative jobs that nobody else can do for them, as part of one big thing.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1115 posts Report

  • Up Front: Will Work for Foo,

    One wonders about those books with two writers - sometimes it seems like it's just a sort of executive-producer credit for whoever's scifi series it is.

    OTOH Wikipedia has an account of the writing process for Good Omens.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1115 posts Report

  • Up Front: Will Work for Foo,

    Sorry, that was more terse than I intended.

    In my experience there's nothing as inspiring as other people and if you can all be inspired by each other that's phenomenal. However properly working as a group involves all the usual management problems and a few extra one like not knowing what your goal is until you've finished.

    Clients on the other hand... (shudders)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1115 posts Report

  • Up Front: Will Work for Foo,

    In my mind group and creative are concepts that are mutually exclusive.

    Never worked in the performing arts then?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1115 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    On pokies, probably the core of the addictiveness is the frequency of reward. That includes a lot of teeny wins but also I can see how there's also a kick in loosing. Several time a minute.

    And the flashing lights also count. I'm told Playstation is useful for various kinds of addicts who are missing their fix.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1115 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    Thus those humans that laced their water with alcohol (thus killing nasty bacteria, worms etc) were less likely to succumb to disease and more likely to breed.

    I have seen people theorise that the rise of the British empire was due to getting at tea and/or coffee early, meaning that they had a safe liquid to drink that didn't make them drunk all the time.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1115 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    people use baking bread to sell houses

    I can say that looking for a house I noticed once some people had a breadmaker on. Considering all the windows were open, the effect was mostly lost.

    I recall there's a by-product of fermentation that is (or works like) glutimates and triggers the umami receptors and is therefore objectively yummy. Tastes like protein!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1115 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    perverse results

    Forbidding the kind of wine shop where they can actually make good recommendations, for example?

    There was something on the tele a little while back that the select committee that allowed supermarket liquor sales had the impression the supermarkets wouldn't use alcohol as a loss leaders. Didn't work out that way.

    You might as well restrict licences to less the 150m sq.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1115 posts Report

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