Posts by Martin Lindberg

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  • Hard News: Morning in Auckland,

    I thought you were supposed to compare apples with oranges.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: Morning in Auckland,

    TVNZ can lance the boil by firing the prick as soon as they decide to take seriously the reaction of the public whose eyeballs they sell to advertisers...

    Call me cynical (lots of people do), but in the world of tv-ratings I believe he has only increased his value to TVNZ.

    He has (unintentionally) set off a number of interesting discussions. A bit like a somewhat useful troll.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: Morning in Auckland,

    I don't know about you, but I'd like this month's "I hate Paul Henry" to be over now.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: Morning in Auckland,

    Dude, born in Gay Lynn -- we know what that means...

    Hey! Leave Grey Lynn out of this!

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Hard News: Morning in Auckland,

    And for the record, I reckon Clark would have ...

    I suspect that Helen would 'own' the interview to a degree that Henry would never make that kind of comment.

    I think that Helen Clark would've ripped PH a new one ...

    Not to mention what Chuck Norris would have done. Just sayin...

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Random Play: This land is your land . . .,

    I don't think it's something people really do so much as shorthand for "Yes, we are just that awesome."

    True, but the intended awesomeness is lost on me. There are lots of cool and awesome things about NZ, but that particular one seems a bit desperate.

    ETA: Although in the context of needing different types of locations for filming it's probably very handy.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Random Play: This land is your land . . .,

    Meh, I've never understood the attraction of being able to swim and ski in the same day.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Voting Local 2010,

    Srsly though, how did the practice of not having national parties represented at council level come about? A lot of other countries have a mini-parliament style representation at local and regional level. Voted for at that level that is, not cascaded down from national level.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Voting Local 2010,

    I feel like I need SeriousCat to intervene over this guy

    Support light-sabre based progress. Do, or do not, there is no try - Vote for Jedi Craig.

    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: He is Henry the Eighth, he…,

    Well, so long as it's a benign dictatorship I'm OK.


    Stockholm • Since Jul 2009 • 802 posts Report

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