Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Island Life: Child's play,

    Whoops - North London Jewish Community it is then.
    Don't you love the irony of the word "oi" (Yoi).
    So many skin heads (& Ozzys) using a Jewish/Yiddish expression.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Cooked goose, chicken, etc.,

    I hope you are right & I've over cooked it.
    I read The Press everyday and despair a little.

    Monday 11June The Press front page here's a quote from the boy racer shot by a slug gun and hit just above the eye.

    "I've got a 15-month daughter and I would hate to only be able to see half of her for the rest of my life." - that is cruel Journalism.

    He's the victim in this he doesn't need to be shown up as an idiot as well.

    I'm all for "Publish & be Damned" Just playing my part.

    To my little knowledge of Japanese culture the wife holds the purse strings and gives hubby an allowance he can go on the Razzel with. I was most impressed by this level of civilisation.

    And yesterday G/Dad got his last medal from WWII/J-Force. To be still kicking after being shot on 2 continents and drinking from a brewery blown over by the bomb in Japan is not a bad innings.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Cooked goose, chicken, etc.,

    Have a wee listen to 17June07 Mediawatch - Bens LINK from 5am 18jun07. and see what you think. About 15-17mins through.
    There is ref to the whole conspiracy thing - rather than a normal outrage to bad journalism by the community as a whole.
    I do think the hit and score N/S ed & an end to Coddington there may have a backlash, hopefully not a big one.
    It seems clear to me the rednecks have run out of Alo vera.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Cooked goose, chicken, etc.,

    Admittedly it was a veiled threat on Sundays National Radio (sorry it was Mediawatch).

    "This particular commentator has shown his colours, he has shown his tactics and he will be judged by these tactics as well." Paul Thomson about Keith Ng

    I read a little into Pauls statement as he is putting out his own fires.
    I think it shows a good journo getting more out of the interviewee than he wanted to say.

    Lincoln Uni story

    The Press 'said' they had all this evidence but the only person was a chick who captivated the heart of some guy. Maybe she used him, maybe it was the pressure to stay together.

    The point is they had only ONE identified case of cheating and it was by a PAKEHA (& really nice dude).

    There was a post grad student who rather than hand in her allowed notes at the end of some exam took it with her - a clerical error at best - & she was allowed to stay - anything else would have been a massive injustice.

    There were numbers of cheats noted but not detailed only speculation as to whom - ugly stuff!

    This Press Journo won a race relations award last year (They're not hard to get. I got two for my office over the same timeframe)

    The thing that gets me about this is exactly as you so correctly put it as TARGETING. It's nasty stuff.
    Boy Racers haven't changed - I remember Cass St on a Saturday Night. The story could be fines aren't working our system is failing them. PD should be put in its place - where they go around and pick up rubbish on a Friday/Saturday night.
    But it’s much easier to get that whip'n boy.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Cooked goose, chicken, etc.,

    It was interesting to here a member of the concerned coddington clan, Paul Thompson from the Christchurch Press targeting yourself for overt scrutiny if not a black listing in 17June07 Media Report.
    Pauls wee piece on Lincoln Uni & Asians rested on a Pakeha sitting an exam for his Asian girlfriend. To my eyes more of an affair of the heart than anything else.
    Look after yourself
    Kia kaha

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Modern Endeavour,

    Thanks Simon

    Seems to follow a bit of the better american style employment practises. I have a knee jerk reaction against paternalistic employment policy but of course it may be a win win.

    As for our standards I posted this one on the injuries post “my good mate in the Terries many years ago was spraying scrub for some criminally negligent farmer and got poisoned.”
    Union Carbide's Bopal wasn't in Indiana. The exportation of hazards industry always makes me a little uneasy.
    Although there is a growing trend in the dairy indurty moving to central america - yahoo!

    Although second hand the detail of the description of washing in kero seemed credible.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Modern Endeavour,

    I'll concede comparative food nutrition in Indonesia vs. South Auckland/Aranui/Cannon Creek may favour Indonesia but what of the health cover & conditions there?
    The reports I had only a few years ago from Christchurch’s Firestone factory (at the time the last manual tire plant in the ‘western world’), I was told kerosene was used to wash the carbon black off the Indonesian workers – from one carcinogenic to another.
    I wonder what the comparative life expectancy is of manual labourers?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    Cricket -
    Gentlemen vs. Players or if you will Masters vs. servants.
    A game devised to occupy the idle rich and because they don't have many friends - pay other to play with them. Not to mentioned the gambling and from its very start was more spectacle than sport“They came to see me bat, not to see you umpire” Grace- the rules go out the door - Shane Warne anyone?

    Football -
    The world’s game - codified at Eton (a hell of a lot better than Rugby) School. So its class origin is without peer (or maybe quite a few).
    In the UK Spurs is associated with the East End Jewish community & need I mention Celtic vs. Ranger. So within the UK the game eclipses all social divides.
    Played mostly by Catholics (in NZ)? I dear say the Marist & Celtic Rugby Clubs may have a little to say about that.
    Watch a football world cup and you will truly understand the meaning of what is meant by the term.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Cracker: Any questions?,

    What a bitchie blog.
    We all know stoned/addicts but to start a wee whisper circle of - thank god it's not me - You BITCH.
    We all have artists we will happily buy the CD but not buy another ticket to see.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Child's play,

    You answered B twice and didn't address A at all. A was about having free time. The time taken for these activities is a further class divide. 2hrs max for Rugby/league less for touch (so is played after work). Whereas Yachting is a full day, so no other requirements on your time, no other job to go to. This is a noted class difference in sport.

    Rum sodomy & the lash is my favourite Winston Churchill quote - please don't take it personally - also a favourite childhood album.

    One of the missing cornerstones to Free Trade is free movement of people - to work in a free trade economy - as such our systems of pports is prejudicial on at least nationalist bounds, if not a little more.

    20years in one country and still not feel like you belong there? It's like CIA - Cantabrians in Auckland.
    After20yrs overeseas I don't believe anyone should hold another countries pport. But should be able to apply for residence in a more open environment than we currently have. Even Russell Crow (for all his faults) has the personal integrity to get an Ozzy Pass Port.

    To think of saliors/sportsmen as traitors - now that's extreme.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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