Posts by Farmer Green

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  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to Islander,

    Thanks for that. I mean it.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to Islander,

    I was replying to Bart. Mate.

    Good to see that you are well and well up for it. Another day- maybe .

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to Islander,

    I wish we could see more of the elite

    You do mean the "achievers " don't you? Elite has some other connotations.
    The thing is , most aspire to "quiet achievement" ; public exposure is not of value to the quiet achiever. The achievement itself is the more than adequate reward ; the satisfaction of a job well done , and the knowledge that , having done one's utmost, one could not have done more.

    And then there's the knockers -looking around for another tall poppy. Yes it's easy to understand why many prefer the quiet life.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to Hilary Cameron,

    It’s that mentality that if you want to be something, you’d better get out of NZ quick smart.

    Where did that mentality come from?
    Maybe it was the first signs of "celebrity" culture; the age of narcissism even.

    Farmer Green always thought that the idea was to DO something , rather than be something.
    Taking on the prevailing farming paradigm , head on , and trying to demonstrate a better way seemed like a good thing to do.

    <q> If you play it safe, what do the young-uns have to aspire to?<q>

    Well, NZ Idol , it seems. Sad.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Your prerogative Russell. There was only an outside chance that more than a few here would want to catch up on the science. I guess that there are more important things to discuss, right :-)

    Still, I'm looking forward to the day when there is an open discussion here, but I'm not holding my breath. In the meantime , I'll just carry on sequestering that atmospheric carbon, like a good organic farmer ought to.
    Stay cool.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: Event Season,

    Meanwhile , in the “More Boring News on a Monday” Dept.

    (By the way, nice to see you all here still . . .)


    See my reply below -- RB

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: Done like a dinner, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    The godzone “bach” model consists of a 100 m coil of 12mm alkathene placed on the roof and connected to the shower mixing valve (to avoid getting scalded). Less than $200. If you add in some storage (an old insulated hot water cylinder) and a thermo syphon (bits of pipe to encourage circulation) then you’re home and hosed very cheaply.
    Yours sounds fairly high-tech by comparison.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: Done like a dinner, in reply to Greg Dawson,

    Sorry about that . Bjorn Lomborg's opinion piece is being well received by environmentalists around the globe, with only minor criticisms. Here is a link :-

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: Done like a dinner,

    There are a few about; not really general purpose though:-

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

  • Hard News: Done like a dinner, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    Agricultural waste is carbon emissions neutral surely.
    But Bjorn's emphasis seems to be less on carbon emissions at this stage , and more on sustainable energy futures. It is a much longer term view; we are always going to require vast amounts of energy, regardless of climate , and fossil fuels are finite.. He seems to favour using fossil fuels wisely and economically to get ourselves to that sustainable energy future. That seems like having the horse in front of the cart.

    Lower North Island • Since Nov 2012 • 778 posts Report

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